IF YOU NEED TO QUIT SMOKING DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE OVERWHELMED You are probably not ready to quit smoking and you are probably fearful of what lies ahead. Do not fear. You do not need to quit smoking just yet. However, what you do need to do is to start preparing yourself for the day when you will ultimately quit. Read this book and I will show you how to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge, skills, tools, courage, motivation and mind-set to quit smoking and to remain free. I battled nicotine addiction for some fifty years. The book contains a comprehensive but concise discussion of most of the more effective techniques used for quitting smoking. Everyone's experience of smoking is different.
A quitting method which worked for one person may well not work for you. Therefore this book is presented in a manner which allows the reader to select those bits and pieces of the different techniques that suit them. As you read the book you will be asked to start your own journal. This will enable you to develop a tailor-made quit programme just to suit you by selecting the best bits and pieces from the best techniques available. The book is presented in a motivational style which will take you through a process that will clear away your fears, to a point at which you will are keen to embark on the adventure of quitting. Quitting is a process. By reading this book you are making a start on a wonderful journey. All you need to do now is to keep walking.