Qualitative Research : Bridging the Conceptual, Theoretical, and Methodological
Qualitative Research : Bridging the Conceptual, Theoretical, and Methodological
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Author(s): Carl, Nicole C. Mittenfelner
Ravitch, Sharon M.
Ravitch, Sharon M. (Michelle)
ISBN No.: 9781483351742
Pages: 600
Year: 201509
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 117.30
Status: Out Of Print

Chapter One: Qualitative Research: An Opening OrientationChapter Overview And GoalsAn Overview Of The Processes Of Qualitative ResearchSituating Qualitative ResearchDefining Qualitative ResearchKey Components Of Qualitative ResearchHorizontals In Qualitative ResearchApproaches To Qualitative Research: An OverviewA Note on the Possibilities Of Qualitative ResearchQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Two: Using Conceptual Frameworks in ResearchChapter Overview and GoalsDefining and Understanding Conceptual Frameworks and Their Role in ResearchConstructing and Developing a Conceptual FrameworkBuilding Your Own Conceptual FrameworkQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Three: Critical Qualitative Research DesignChapter Overview and GoalsResearch Design in Qualitative ResearchOverview of the Qualitative Research Design ProcessConceptualizing Critical Qualitative Research DesignQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Four: Design and Reflexivity in Data CollectionChapter Overview and GoalsDefining Qualitative Data Collection as IterativeData Collection and Research DesignReflexivity and Researcher-Generated Data SourcesSampling: Site and Participant SelectionQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Five: Methods of Data CollectionChapter Overview and GoalsInterviewsObservation and FieldnotesFocus GroupsDocuments and Archival DataA Survey Approach and QuestionnairesParticipatory Methods of Data CollectionRevisiting DesignQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Six: Validity: Processes, Strategies, and TrustworthinessChapter Overview and GoalsOverview of Validity and Trustworthiness in Qualitative ResearchAssessing Validity and TrustworthinessSpecific Strategies and Processes for Achieving ValidityRigor and Validity in Qualitative ResearchQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Seven: An Integrative Approach to Data AnalysisChapter Overview and GoalsDefining and Critically Approaching Qualitative Data AnalysisAnalysis and InterpretationOverview of Data Analysis ProcessesAn Integrative Approach to Qualitative Data AnalysisQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Eight: Methods And Processes Of Data AnalysisChapter Overview And GoalsData Organization And ManagementImmersive EngagementWriting And RepresentationQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Nine: Writing And Representing Inquiry: The Research ReportChapter Overview And GoalsThe Craft Of Writing: Outlining, Drafting, And RevisingWriting A Final Report: Building On, Deepening, And Codifying AnalysisCritical Writing ConsiderationsConcluding Thoughts: The Ethics Of Research WritingQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Ten: Crafting Qualitative Research ProposalsChapter Overview And GoalsQualitative Research ProposalsWriting Quality ProposalsAdapting Research ProposalsQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingChapter Eleven: Research Ethics And The Relational Quality Of ResearchChapter Overview And GoalsRelational Ethics: Taking A Relational Approach To ResearchDeepening The Concept of Research Ethics: Beyond IRB and Informed ConsentGoing Beyond "Negotiating Entrée" And "Building Rapport"Research BoundariesInformed Consent, With An Emphasis On InformedTransparency in Goals, Expectations, Processes, and RolesConfidentiality and AnonymityThe Ethical Dimensions of the "Researcher as Instrument"Pushing Against the "Expert-Learner Binary"Ethical Collaboration: "Reciprocal Transformation and Dialectics of Mutual Influence"Balance Between Design Flexibility and Rigor: Responsive Research as Ethical StanceQuestions for ReflectionResources for Further ReadingEpilogue: Revisiting Criticality, Reflexivity, Collaboration, and RigorRevisiting the Horizontals in Qualitative ResearchClosing Thoughts: The Power and Potential of Qualitative ResearchQuestions for Reflection.

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