Part 1 î-'pas'pahtam'n / Looking Back 1. î-ati-pow'tam'n / On the Threshold of a Dream 2. î-maskamiht ocaw'sisîwin / Stolen Childhood 3. k'kikî nika-kiskisin / Lest I Forget 4. atôspîwin'kwan-papakiway'ni-kîsik'w / Orange Shirt Day 5. kîspin îk' î-kî-ocaw'simisiy'n / If Not for My Children 6. kakîp'tisak / Fools! î-mwayî-nitawi-ayamihcikîy'n / Life before School 1. nic'hkosîwikamikos / My Little Hospital 2.
salamô ikw'ni poko Ratt / Just Solomon 3. acoskîwinisa / Chores 4. wîcis'ni-kahkwîthihtowin / Sibling Rivalry 5. wîsahkîc'hk twîhow wanihikîskan'hk / Santa Visits the Trapline 6. t'pokîthihtamowin / Faith 7. ohpahowipîsim / Flying Up Moon nistam wîsakîthihtahowin / Painful First s 1. m'mitonîthihta ôma!/ Think on This! 2. kiskinwaham'towit'p'n'sk / School Bus 3.
nikî-t'topitikawin / I Was Torn 4. nimasinahamaw'w nik'wiy / Letter to Mama 5. môniy'w pîsimoy'piya / Man-made Rainbows 6. î-kîwîhtahikawiy'n / Home for the Summer 7. iskw'y'c tipisk'w î-mwayî-ohpahoy'hk / Last Night of Summer 8. kicohcikanis / Transistor Radio k'-ati-oskinîkîsiy'n / Middle Years at School 1. î-maskamikawiy'n nip'hkîkinaskisina / Stolen Moccasins 2. " Dog Biscuits " 3.
î-kîmôci-ayamihcikîy'n / Undercover Reading 4. î-kîmôt'piy'n / "Jeepers Creepers" 5. mistatimotôn / Horse Lips 6. k'-makosîkîsik'k / Christmas at School 7. kinîk'nîskaw'wak kitithinîmak / "A Credit to Your Race" 8. pakwanita-itwîwin / Backhanded Compliment nîkihk k'-nîpihk / Summers at Home 1. ka-ispitisicik isîhcikîwin / Protocol: Age-Appropriate Conduct 2. nakw'tisowin ikwa m'tinam'kîwin / Sharing and Generosity 3.
kisîw'tisiwin / Kindness 4. kistîthihtamowin / Respect 5. 1969 askîwin k'-kî-akihtîk / 1969 î-ayahcitiniwiy'hk nitaskîn'hk / Strangers in Our Homeland 1. Canada, Oh Canada , 150 askîwina / Canada, Oh Canada, 150 years 2. môtha nîtha Indian / I''m Not an Indian 3. 'hkît'p ithiniwak, cik'stîpathihcikan ithiniwak / "Reel Injuns" 4. k'-pap'mi-at'wîyan ispî k'-wîskwastîwin'kosiyan / Shopping While Brown 5. 'niskô-kiskinwaham'kîwin / Passing on Teachings 6.
'hkami-nîhithowît'n / Let''s Keep on Speaking Cree t'pwîwin nîk'n î-mwayî-mînosihtam'hk mitho-wîcîhtowin / Truth before Reconciliation 1. t'pwîwin / Truth 2. kith'skiwin / Lies 3. namôtha 'hkît'p Indian / Not a Pretendian 4. kipihtowîwin / The Sound of Silence 5. î-misiwan'ciht'yahk kipîkiskwîwininaw / Linguicide 6. t'niwî s'kihiwîwin? / Where Is the Love? î-kîwîhtotahitoyahk / Reclaiming Ourselves 1. askiy kitoht'pamihikonaw / Earth Nourishes Us 2.
'niskôhtowin / Interconnectedness 3. ninan'skomon / I Give Thanks 4. k'-oht'wîm'wi-kîsik'k / For Father''s Day 5. nahîwin / Proficiency 6. kiskîthihtamowin / Knowledge 7. kiskîyihtamowin ohci / About Knowledge: Basil H. Johnston 8. nitohta! / Listen! Part 2 nîhithaw kiskinwaham'kîwin: nistam m'mitonîthihcikîwin / Cree Education: First Thoughts 1.
t'nisi m'na k'-kî-isi-kiskinwahamahcik aw'sisak kay's? / How Then Were Children Taught Long Ago? 2. kîkw'y kiwîhtam'konaw 'cathôhkana? cihcipiscikw'n / What Do Our Stories Tell Us? The Rolling Head 10. cihcipiscikw'n / The Rolling Head 11. wîsahkîc'hk tapasîw / The Flight of Wisahkecahk 12. wîsahkîc'hk ikwa wîmisôsoy / Wisahkecahk and wîmisôsoy 13. thiskipîw / The Flood 14. opasakw'pisimowak / The Shut-Eye Dancers 15. m'skik'tîw mahkîsîs / The Fox Has a Crippled Leg 16.
wîsahkîc'hk ikwa okoskohowîsak / Wisahkecahk and the Startlers 17. wîsahkîc'hk ikwa k'-masin'socik waskwayak / Wisahkecahk and the Marking of Birch Trees 18. wîsahkîc'hk ikwa picikîskisîsa / Wisahkecahk and the Chickadees 19. wîsahkîc'hk omikiy mîciw / Wisahkecahk Eats His Scab 20. wîsahkîc'hk pimihamow / Wisahkecahk Migrates South 21. wîsahkîc'hk ikwa wîhtikow / Wisahkecahk and wîhtikow Notes to the Texts.