Mâci-Nêhiyawêwin / Beginning Cree
Mâci-Nêhiyawêwin / Beginning Cree
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Author(s): Ratt, Solomon
ISBN No.: 9780889774353
Pages: 165
Year: 202209
Format: Spiral
Price: $ 42.84
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1. The Cree 1.1 The Standard Roman Orthography 1.1.A Consonants 1.1.B Vowels. 1.

1.C SRO: Chants. 1.1.D Dictation 1.1.E Mimimal Pairs 1.2 Dialogue One 1.

3 Introductory Information about Family 1.3.A Dialogue Two. 1.3.B Dialogue Three. 1.4 Numbers, Months, Dates 1.

5 Chapter One Exercises. CHAPTER TWO: NOUNS 2. Animacy 2.1 Number Exercises 2.1.a Questions and Answers 2.2 Diminutives. Exercises 2.

3 Locatives Exercises 2.4 Chapter Two Review. CHAPTER THREE: PREPOSITIONS AND PRONOUNS 3. Location Words 3.1 Prepositions Exercises 3.2 Pronouns 3.2.A Demonstrative Pronouns.

Exercises with Nouns and Demonstrative Pronouns. 3.2.B Interrogative Pronouns. Exercises 3.2.C Personal Pronouns 3.2.

D Emphatic Pronouns Exercises. 3.3 Dialogue Four 3.4 Chapter Three Review CHAPTER FOUR: ANIMATE INTRANSITIVE VERBS 4. Animate Intransitive Verbs 4.1 Imperatives 4.1.A 2 - Second Person Singular.

4.1.B 2P - Second Person Plural 4.1.C 21 - The Imperative Inclusive. 4.1.D Conjugation Chart for Imperatives 4.

1.E Delayed Imperatives Exercises. 4.2 Indicative Mood 4.2.A Animate Intransitive Verb Patterns 4.3 The VAI Indicative Mood and Conjunct Mood 4.3.

A Indicative Third Person Subject 4.3.B Indicative Third Person Obviative Subject 4.3.C Indicative First Person Subject. 4.3.D Indicative Second Person Subject Exercises.

4.4 Chapter Four Review CHAPTER FIVE: INANIMATE INTRANSITIVE VERBS 5. Inanimate Intransitive Verbs 5.1 Weather Terms Exercises. 5.2 Future Conditionals: VIIs Exercises. 5.3 Seasons 5.

3.A Vital Statistics I 5.3.B Vital Statistics II Exercises 5.3.C Vital Statistics III 5.3.D Dialogue Five Exercises 5.

4 Likes and Dislikes 5.5 Days of the Week Exercises 5.6 Temporal Units 5.6.A Dialogue Six 5.6.B Dialogue Seven 5.6.

C Time Phrases 5.6.D Review of Temporal Units Exercises 5.7 Review: Inanimate Intransitive Verbs 5.8 Chapter Five Exercises with VAIs and VIIs CHAPTER SIX: POSSESSIVES: KINSHIP TERMS 6. The Nature of Possessives in Cree 6.1 Kinship Terms. 6.

1.A Kinship Terms: Verbs and Nouns Exercises 6.1.B Kinship Terms: Nouns 6.2 Cree Kinship 6.2. A Cousins and Siblings. 6.

2.B Cree Kinship System: Seven Generations. 6.3 Vital Statistics. 6.4 Kinship Terms: Nouns and Verbs Overview. CHAPTER SEVEN: TRANSITIVE INANIMATE VERBS 7. Transitive Inanimate Verbs 7.

1 Transitive Inanimate Verbs - Class 1 (VTI-1) Exercises 7.2 Dialogue Eight 7.3 Dialogue Nine 7.4 Colours and Clothing Exercises 7.5 Chapter Seven Review(VTI-1) CHAPTER EIGHT: TRANSITIVE ANIMATE VERBS 8. Transitive Animate Verbs. Exercises 8.1 Conjugation Patterns.

8.2 Obviation 8.3 Review - VTA Exercises 8.4 Inverse Forms 8.5 VTA-Forms: Reflexives, Direct. Forms and Inverse Forms 8.6 Transitive Verb Pairs: VTA and VTI-1 Exercises. 8.


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