PART I CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND 1. Fundamentals of Islamic Faith 2. Psychosocial Issues within Islamic Communities 3. Culture, Religion and Mental Health 4. Perception and Somatisation of Mental Health Problems 5. Islamic Bioethics, Law and Mental Health 6. Islamic Perspective on Spiritual and Mental Health PART II EVIL EYE AND POSESSION SYNDROME 7. Evil Eye and Envy in Islam 8.
Evil Eye: Diagnosis, Symptoms and Protections 9. The World of Jinn 10. Existence and Types of Jinn : Evidence from the Qur'an, Sunnah and Scholars 11. Dissociative Disorders and Jinn Possession 12. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Islamic Manifestations 13. Typology of Wasw's al-Qahri (Overwhelming whisperings) 14. Magic, Witchcraft and Demonic Possession from an Islamic Perspective 15. Categories and Idiosyncrasies of Magic and Witchcraft PART III PREVENTION, THERAPEUTIC AND SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONS 16.
Understanding the Muslim Patient: A Framework for Assessment and Diagnosis 17. Therapeutic Interventions: Spiritual Dimensions 18. Prevention and Protection from Evil Eye , Jinn Possession and Witchcraft 19. Spiritual Interventions with Evil Eye, Jinn Possession and Witchcraft 20. Islamic-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and Spiritual Interventions with Wasw's al-Qahri (Obsessional Disorder) 21. Spiritual Interventions with Wasw's al-Qahri 22. Islamic Counselling: The Dodo Bird Revival 23. Case Reports of Evil Eye, Jinn Possession and Witchcraft 24.
Collaboration with Traditional Healers, Faith Leaders and Mental Health Workers 25. Facing the Challenges: Strategies and Solutions.