The first in the erotically charged series revolves around an African-American Dominant couple, Ramesses and Neferterri, and their submissives, told in a conversational style. Shakir Rashaan is an active practitioner in the real-time BDSM community, taking his knowledge and spinning a tale unlike anything on the market. "What goes on in the Palace, stays in the Palace." Life seems well within the "Nubian Underworld" of the ATL, as Ramesses, his wife, Neferterri, and their submissives are at the center of what can only be described as "paradise" by those who have seen the debauchery within. Amenhotep, Ramesses' mentor, is on the verge of bringing in his newest slave to reside with him at the Palace, and the entire community has been invited to witness the decadence of the grounds and the libidinous nature of the guests in attendance. Unfortunately, life is not always a bed of roses.sometimes the thorns must be felt. "The Awakening: Book One of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld" is a journey inside Atlanta's African-American Fetish/BDSM community, and the ties that bind the principal players of this exciting new series.
With its twists and turns and surprises along the way, it is sure to become an "awakening" for any who dare to journey to the "Dark side.".