Introduction Structural analysis and design Structural idealisation Structural members and elements Structural systems Types of loads Supports for structures Statics of structures: Equilibrium and support reactions Introduction Coordinate systems Force Moment of a force Resultant force and moment Reactions Free-body diagram Equilibrium equations for planar structures External statical determinacy and stability Internally stable structures Determination of reactions Equilibrium and reactions in three-dimensional structures Problems Internal actions of beams and frames Introduction Internal actions at a cross-section Sign convention of internal actions Determination of internal actions and statical determinacy Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams Problems Statically determinate trusses Introduction Assumptions for truss analysis Sign convention and notation An introduction to the method of joints Method of joints in matrix form Method of sections Statical indeterminacy and stability of trusses Deformation of trusses Trusses with loaded members Space trusses Problems Euler-Bernoulli beam model Introduction Equilibrium of a small length of beam Kinematic (or strain-displacement) equations Constitutive equations Method of double integration Governing differential equations (as a function of displacements) Relationship between bending moment, shear force and member loading Problems Slope-deflection methods Introduction Method of double integration with step functions Moment-area method Conjugate beam method The slope-deflection equations Problems Work-energy methods Strain energy The work theorem Virtual work Virtual work applied to trusses Virtual work applied to beams and frames Castigliano''s theorem Problems The force method Introduction The force method applied to trusses The force method applied to beams and frames Problems Moment distribution Introduction Basic concepts Continuous beams Frames without sidesway Frames with sidesway Problems Truss analysis using the stiffness method Overview of the stiffness method Sign convention, notation, coordinate systems and degrees of freedom Derivation of the stiffness matrix in local coordinates Transformation between local and global coordinate systems Truss element in global coordinates Assembling Solution procedure Calculation of internal actions Nodal coordinates Space truss Problems Beam analysis using the stiffness method The beam element Derivation of the stiffness matrix Beam element in global coordinates Assembling of the stiffness elements Member loads Solution procedure and post-processing Problems Frame analysis using the stiffness method The frame element Derivation of the element stiffness matrix Transformation between local and global coordinate systems Frame element in global coordinates Member loads Assembling, solution and post-processing Problems Introduction to the finite element method Introduction Euler-Bernoulli beam model Timoshenko beam model Problems Introduction to the structural stability of columns Introduction Assumptions Critical load from equilibrium Critical load from potential energy Buckling of an elastic column Effective buckling length Buckling stresses Imperfections in columns Problems Introduction to nonlinear analysis Introduction Nonlinear material properties Illustrative examples Nonlinear analysis using the Newton-Raphson method Finite element analysis using the Newton-Raphson method Problems Appendices Index tions of beams and frames Introduction Internal actions at a cross-section Sign convention of internal actions Determination of internal actions and statical determinacy Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams Problems Statically determinate trusses Introduction Assumptions for truss analysis Sign convention and notation An introduction to the method of joints Method of joints in matrix form Method of sections Statical indeterminacy and stability of trusses Deformation of trusses Trusses with loaded members Space trusses Problems Euler-Bernoulli beam model Introduction Equilibrium of a small length of beam Kinematic (or strain-displacement) equations Constitutive equations Method of double integration Governing differential equations (as a function of displacements) Relationship between bending moment, shear force and member loading Problems Slope-deflection methods Introduction Method of double integration with step functions Moment-area method Conjugate beam method The slope-deflection equations Problems Work-energy methods Strain energy The work theorem Virtual work Virtual work applied to trusses Virtual work applied to beams and frames Castigliano''s theorem Problems The force method Introduction The force method applied to trusses The force method applied to beams and frames Problems Moment distribution Introduction Basic concepts Continuous beams Frames without sidesway Frames with sidesway Problems Truss analysis using the stiffness method Overview of the stiffness method Sign convention, notation, coordinate systems and degrees of freedom Derivation of the stiffness matrix in local coordinates Transformation between local and global coordinate systems Truss element in global coordinates Assembling Solution procedure Calculation of internal actions Nodal coordinates Space truss Problems Beam analysis using the stiffness method The beam element Derivation of the stiffness matrix Beam element in global coordinates Assembling of the stiffness elements Member loads Solution procedure and post-processing Problems Frame analysis using the stiffness method The frame element Derivation of the element stiffness matrix Transformation between local and global coordinate systems Frame element in global coordinates Member loads Assembling, solution and post-processing Problems Introduction to the finite element method Introduction Euler-Bernoulli beam model Timoshenko beam model Problems Introduction to the structural stability of columns Introduction Assumptions Critical load from equilibrium Critical load from potential energy Buckling of an elastic column Effective buckling length Buckling stresses Imperfections in columns Problems Introduction to nonlinear analysis Introduction Nonlinear material properties Illustrative examples Nonlinear analysis using the Newton-Raphson method Finite element analysis using the Newton-Raphson method Problems Appendices Index ;/P> Introduction Equilibrium of a small length of beam Kinematic (or strain-displacement) equations Constitutive equations Method of double integration Governing differential equations (as a function of displacements) Relationship between bending moment, shear force and member loading Problems Slope-deflection methods Introduction Method of double integration with step functions Moment-area method Conjugate beam method The slope-deflection equations Problems Work-energy methods Strain energy The work theorem Virtual work Virtual work applied to trusses Virtual work applied to beams and frames Castigliano''s theorem Problems The force method Introduction The force method applied to trusses The force method applied to beams and frames Problems Moment distribution Introduction Basic concepts Continuous beams Frames without sidesway Frames with sidesway Problems Truss analysis using the stiffness method Overview of the stiffness method Sign convention, notation, coordinate systems and degrees of freedom Derivation of the stiffness matrix in local coordinates Transformation between local and global coordinate systems Truss element in global coordinates Assembling Solution procedure Calculation of internal actions Nodal coordinates Space truss Problems Beam analysis using the stiffness method The beam element Derivation of the stiffness matrix Beam element in global coordinates Assembling of the stiffness elements Member loads Solution procedure and post-processing Problems Frame analysis using the stiffness method The frame element
Structural Analysis : Principles, Methods and Modelling