Preface. 1Chapter 1: Overview of Managing Automotive Projects .31.1 What is at Stake?.31.2 Overview of Project Management Areas.41.3 Organizational Influences.
141.4 Communication .201.5 Contract Types.22Chapter 2: Business Case and Product Development Models. 252.1 Business Justification.252.
2 Project Life Cycle.292.3 Models of Development.332.4 Mix the Two: Business Case and Phases.35Chapter 3: Vehicle Subsystem and Concept Generation . 373.1 Vehicle Concept Development and Selection.
373.2 Requirements, Specifications, and Drawings.403.3 Requirements and Change Management .433.4 Requirements Traceability Plan.463.5 Configuration Management Plan.
473.6 Technical Reviews.483.7 OEM and Top-Tier Supplier Selection.49Chapter 4: Product Development. 594.1 Project Schedule: Time Plan.594.
2 Prototype Delivery and Risk .644.3 Virtual Testing and Prototype in Product Development.664.4 Resources Allocation.704.5 Key Product Characteristics.75Chapter 5: Process Development.
795.1 Process Overview.795.2 Tier 1 Production Line and Prototypes.835.3 OEM Product Handling.845.4 Manufacturing Specific Deliverables.
86Chapter 6: Product Life Cycle and Testing. 956.1 Fundamentals.956.2 Testing Process.976.3 Agile Practices Applied to Conventional Projects.1006.
4 Communication during the Test Phases.1016.5 Verification vs. Validation Process.1046.6 Product Validation .1056.7 Product Verification and Features.
1066.8 Process Verification.1076.9 Verification through Simulation.1086.10 Continuous Conformance Testing.1086.11 Different Test Modes.
109Chapter 7: Design to Ramp Up Production. 1117.1 Why is it Critical?. 1117.2 Activities Needed from Design Board to Production Floor.1147.3 Critical Activities to Support Ramp Up.1177.
4 Transition from Project to Operations.1207.5 Transition from Prototype to Production.1257.6 Supply Chain Decisions.1267.7 Environmental Impact.127Chapter 8: Early Production.
1298.1 Tier 1 and Vehicle Operations.1298.2 Export Vehicles .1328.3 Prediction of Product Production Quality (OEM and Tier 1).1338.4 Impact of Customization.
1348.5 Statistical Process Control for Tier 1 and OEM.1358.6 OEM Sampling Strategies (Inspections).1358.7 Missing Hardware Strategy.1368.8 Labels, Certifications, and Manuals.
1368.9 Post-Vehicle Launch Activities.1378.10 Vehicle and Part Field Failure Recovery.1378.11 Transition from Project to Customer Service Group.138Chapter 9: Project Closure and Something More. 1419.
1 End of the Game.1419.2 Lessons Learned.1429.3 Knowledge Management.1459.4 Something More.147Chapter 10: Closing Remarks.
15510.1 Prioritize and Plan.15510.2 Use Fact-Based Metrics.15610.3 Review of Chapters.157Index.161About the Authors .