"Clear, kind, funny, and full of good advice. There's nobody better to provide it than David Quantick,who in writing terms is the quintessential jack of all trades and master of - well, all of them actually." -- Jonathan Coe "David Quantick has a medical condition whereby he literally cannot be unfunny." -- Caitlin Moran "This is the book David Quantick's publishers have been waiting for." -- Julie Burchill "He stands astride the world of entertainment, a comedy colossus. If this book is as funny as his excuses for being late to TV Burp meetings it will be a best seller!" -- Harry Hill "Quantick doesn't just make it look easy to write anything, he makes it look easy to write hilariously about everything. Damn him." -- Graeme Garden "David Quantick is a brilliant and hilarious man, who has spent years writing for (and with) everybody, from Armando Iannucci to Harry Hill.
This is a warm, thoughtful and incisive guide to all kinds of writing, and especially television and journalism. If you want to write, but aren't sure where to begin, or even which medium would suit you best, he can help. A thoroughly pragmatic and unpretentious guide for the perplexed self-starter." -- Natalie Haynes, author of The Amber Fury.