Jeanette Purkis has a lived experience of autism and mental illness and is also the author of two books looking at aspects of autism. She holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts from RMIT University and works full-time in the Australian Public Service. Jeanette lives in Canberra, Australia. Dr Emma Goodall has Asperger's syndrome and has had professional experience of mental health services. She has a PhD in the area of education and the autism spectrum and is the author of a text book for teaching AS children. Emma is a Senior Autism Advisor in South Australia and an executive committee member of the Australian Society for Autism Research (ASfAR), as well as an executive committee member for the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) of Australia and New Zealand. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia, with her partner. Dr Jane Nugent is a Psychiatric Career Medical Officer with General Practitioner training.
She has a special interest in mental health and a passion for psychopharmacology. She has a talent for taking highly technical information and making it accessible to non-specialists. Jane has been involved in pharmacology teaching for a variety of New Zealand and Australian institutions since 1997.