This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1729 edition. Excerpt: .1. iii.
t. 34. De jervitut. ii aqua. leg. 13. 1] Non uteitdo per rnodum, Instit. ubisupra.
See Digest. 1. viii. t. 6. Q/emadmcdum servitutes amittttntur, leg. 10. J.
I. Se 11. princ. 2' Rei mutatione interire ufumfruBum placet. Veluti usussruBus mibi ardium legatus est, tedes corruerunt vel exusta funs, fine dubioextinguitur. In this cafe the Ulufructuary hath neither right to the Materials nor Place where the House stood. Certijfimum efl nec area, nec cajnentorum 'isumfriiilum deberi, Digest, 1. vii.
t. 4. leg. 5. 2. Sec also, leg. 8, 9, 10, 1 2, 23. Est enim jus in corporc, quosnblato, ii ipsum tolli necesjc est, Instit.
1. ii. t. 4. in princ. But this must be some particular Usufruct, for when we have an universal L'lufruct, (/'. e.) overall ihe Goods, the Enjoyment of the rest is preserved.
Bonorum autem ufusrufitt lea'.o, are/c aedium incensarum usussruBus ft'.i poterit, quoniam qui bonorum suorum usumfruBum legat, nonsolum corum qua in specie sunt, s;d if substantive otnnis usumfruBum legare videtur, in Jubfhwtia autem bonorum etiam area eft, Digest. 1. vii. t. 1. De tifufruBu, iic.
leg. 34. 2. Farther, the Interpreters ot the Roman Law fay; That to know whether the thine; of which we have the Usufruct be destroyed, v.e must consider whether the N.mie be changed. Sec Vinnius upon the Institutes, 1. ii.
t. 4. s. 3. n. 5, 6. J6 Item finitur usussruBus, stDomiao proprietat'n ab uJufruBuario cedatur--vel tontrario, ft usufruBuarius proprietatem rei acquifierit, qua rei consolidatio appellatur, Instit. 1.
ii. t. 4. 3. G g g and and all other Services do properly denote a Right over somewhat that belongs to another. But when a Person useth his own Possession, and receives Advantages from it; this he does by virtue of his.