Acknowledgments Introduction * Karen Pryor and Kenneth S. Norris PART I. FIELD STUDIES Essay: Looking at Wild Dolphin Schools * Kenneth S. Norris Chapter One. Herd Structure, Hunting, and Play: Bottlenose Dolphins in the Black Sea * Edited by V. M. Bel'kovich 17 Chapter Two. Dolphin Movement Patterns: Information from Radio and Theodolite Tracking Studies * Bernd Wiirsig, Frank Cipriano, and Melany Wiirsig Chapter Three.
The Feeding Ecology of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Pacific Northwest * Frederic L. Felleman, James R. Heimlich-Baran, and Richard W. Osborne Chapter Four. The Interactions between Killer Whales and Boats in Johnstone Strait, B.C. * Susan Kruse, with Introductory Comments by Kenneth S. Norris Chapter Five.
Social Structure in Spotted Dolphins (Stene/laattenuata) in the Tuna Purse Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific * Karen Pryor and Ingrid Kang Shallenberger Chapter Six. The Role of Long-Term Study in Understanding the Social Structure of a Bottlenose Dolphin Community * Randall S. Wells Chapter Seven. Using Aerial Photogrammetry to Study Dolphin School Structure * Michael D. Scott and Wayne L. Perryman PART II. LABORATORY STUDIES Essay: Mortal Remains: Studying Dead Animals * Karen Pryor Chapter Eight. Some New and Potential Uses of Dental Layers in Studying Delphinid Populations * Albert C.
Myrick, Jr. Chapter Nine. An Overview of the Changes in the Role of a Female Pilot Whale with Age * Helene Marsh and Toshio Kasuya Essay: Some Thoughts on Grandmothers * Kenneth S. Norris and Karen Pryor PART Ill. CAPTIVE STUDIES: THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING WILD DOLPHINS Essay: Looking at Captive Dolphins * Kenneth S. Norris Chapter Ten. Changes in Aggressive and Sexual Behavior between Two Male Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a Captive Colony * Jan Ostman Chapter Eleven. Use of a Telemetry Device to Identify which Dolphin Produces a Sound * Peter Tyack Essay: The Domestic Dolphin * Karen Pryor Chapter Twelve.
What the Dolphin Knows, or Might Know, in Its Natural World * Louis M. Herman Chapter Thirteen. Dolphin Psychophysics: Concepts for the Study of Dolphin Echolocation * Patrick W. B. Moore Afterword: Dolphin Politics and Dolphin Science * Karen Pryor and Kenneth S. Norris Notes on Contributors Index 391 Notes on Contributors Index.