"By adapting the very oldest of origin stories into 21st-century comics, Joel Priddy has jolted a forgotten text into life for modern readers. [First There Was Chaos] is inventive: handsomely wrought, and a darn fun read."-- Paul Karasik , How To Read Nancy "This book exists on its own singular delightful frequency of sophisticated simplicity."-- Ben Acker , The Thrilling Adventure Hour "The concept of evolution, of refinement, across generations from chaos to something perfect and good, which is at the heart of all Greek myth, is so apparent and central that this rings truer as an adaptation of myth than probably any comic I've ever read before."-- Benito Cereno , Tales from the Bully Pulpit "A formative tale about the act of creation in all forms -- from the gods forming the universe out of the void of nothingness, down to the equally daunting prospect of the blank page for a poet's psyche -- this is a fable of immense time and scope."-- Colin West MacDonald , Linoleum.
First There Was Chaos : Hesiod's Story of Creation