Frequently asked questions. Introduction. What is black and white?: The greyscale image; How black and white is produced; How colours become tones; Understanding contrast - curves; Understanding contrast - histograms. Lighting and exposure: Quality of light for black and white; Direction of light for black and white; High- and low-key lighting; Metering for black and white; Correct versus artistic exposure; Natural and available light; Photographic light; Infrared. Capturing black and white: Composition; Choice of film; Film speed and ISO sensitivity; Developers; Film grain; Digital - in-camera or on the computer?; Digital noise; Tones and zones; Subject brightness range (SBR); Scanning film for digital black and white. Filtration for black and white: The colour wheel and filtration; Filters for film; Filters for digital and film. Developing the image (Digital): Black and white from digital colour; The power of camera raw files; Exposure control; Creating a film 'look'. Developing the image (darkroom): Paper types - fibre and resin coated; Paper types - warmtone and cooltone; Contrast and photographic papers; Techniques for variable-contrast papers; Local exposure control - dodge and burn; Chemical bleaching; 'Liquid light'; Alternative techniques and materials.
Printing: Colour and black-only printing; The question of permanence; Paper finishes; Printers other than the inkjet. Presentation: Chemical toning: Toning for longevity; Toning for beauty; Digital toning; Print spotting an retouching; Reintroducing colour; Framing; Web. Subject index. Acknowledgements and credits.