The Sixth Gate Surrender to the Power of Shakti A woman, like the dakinis and priestesses of ancient tradition, can open herself in service to any man and bring a great healing and transformation for him. This means surrendering yourself completely to a physical man--allowing him to penetrate your very soul on all levels. By holding the intent within yourself to give freely, allowing through your love and surrender to transform and transmute his pain, his suffering, his ancient wounds--you both receive. He will receive the powerful gift of transmutation from the Divine Mother through you as a vessel, and this in turn can enable you to pass beyond the sixth gate. To pass beyond the gate together, he, too, must be in the same surrendered, giving space of service, and capable of reaching sacred union within himself. (T. A.) To activate and manifest the sixth gate fully requires surrender.
Surrendering to the power of Shakti as it is comes through you means you are open to life, regeneration, and the laws and beauty of nature. Surrender is the final feminine wisdom key to awakening. Surrendering to what is presented to you in life brings up your deepest resistance, your deepest shadows. Everything in the basement of your subconscious, every voice within you that says no to love, no to peace, no to joy, no to what is, arises, and fights. This fight takes you deeper and deeper, and wears you out, wears out the fight in you, the resistances of the small self, until you break down. In this breaking down lies the opening to the softness and gentling of love. Surrender dismantles every part of you, and remakes you in love''s image, but only when you have sincerely asked for love to enter your life. Surrender is a process, a continual experience that happens every day.
It is never done or completed, never a statement. One is always surrendering, continually giving over the mind to what lies here and now, in each thought, each choice. Surrender leads to true vulnerability, which cleanses the heart and releases fear. Letting go of fear we are able to expand into more love, which in turn leads to more vulnerability and more fears arising . until all that is left is a pure heart as a conduit for love to flow through--life as a moment-by-moment surrender. You move when the palpable living force of love moves you, because you have become so available, so present in the open heart, that you live by what you know to be true, because it is happening right now. Surrender also requires meditation in order for it to be whole. It is wise guided action, spontaneous and in the now, without fear, belief, expectation, or hope.
There is no surrender to something; you surrender unto Being. This is the true nature of the action of Shakti. In this trust, nothing matters because everything changes completely every moment. All your sense of reason and planning collapses. Everything that is needed right now might be completely different from what was needed in the previous moment, and in the next moment. Love responds in the now, and there is no teaching, laws, or rules for this. Love is the whole of the law. Namah: The Sound of Surrender Namah is the sound of surrender and the sound of connection.
It has seven different layers of meaning, resonance, and embodiment. As the ending of most Sanskrit mantras, namah sends energy to the aspect of the Divine that one is connecting with by fully opening yourself to, and surrendering to it. Namah within a mantra is the sound of surrender to the Shakti, the energy of the quality of the Divine, and the life flow that animates and enlivens the mantra. Namah is correctly pronounced with the "ah" at the end of the word having a sibilant out-breath that sends life force out into silence, into the gap between thoughts where manifestation of the Divine occurs. The first layer of meaning of namah is the most commonly known: to bow down to God. The second meaning is to pay obeisance to, or pay your dues to God, in the hope of dissolving karmas and attaining more humility. The third is to offer something, or to desire something from God in hope of attaining something of material or egoic benefit. The fourth level is to open up to God, humbly and in reverence, from the soul.
The fifth level is to surrender your soul to God''s will, to allow the Shakti to flow as it wishes beyond your control and conscious awareness and desire. The sixth level of meaning of namah is to open up and surrender your soul without limits; na = without, mah = limits. Without wanting for self, or needing to gain anything for self, simply offering oneself as a conduit through which the Divine can act for the highest benefit. The ego is working on the first three levels of namah. The soul takes over on the next two levels. God itself is the sixth and seventh levels of namah, where the soul surrenders its identity or higher self into God. Within namah is the basis of the spiritual path. As one journeys through life, working and healing, the ego starts to become the servant of the soul.
At this point, selfless service, love, and joy become the foundations of your life. As you move forward, the soul becomes more dissolved in deeper states of peace that require a deeper effort to attain, for the soul that is now happy to reside in itself. The soul can get stuck at this time, and it takes a great effort to move beyond this point of soul contentment, which is still not enlightenment. As the soul moves deeper into peace, the mind that is part of the soul gets dismantled so that so the breath of Shakti can dissolve it completely.