Solar Drying Systems
Solar Drying Systems
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Author(s): Prakash, Om
ISBN No.: 9780367280437
Pages: 144
Year: 202012
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 231.76
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

Solar energy has found its widespread use in direct conversion into electricity either by photovoltaic conversion or through thermal energy, reduction in post-harvest losses, and crop drying. Solar Drying Systems analyzes the fundamentals, principles and applications, heat transfer, elements of drying and solar dryer designs, and related modeling and analysis aspects of solar energy. Discusses both technical and policy related issues Explores up-to-date status reviews of different solar drying systems Reviews the highlights of present and future solar drying options Includes many figures, solved examples, and tables with problems/exercises at the end of each chapter This book is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in energy engineering.

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