1. From a Symbol of Culture to a Marker of Identity: The Trajectory of Urdu in Colonial India 2. Symbolic Acts, Implied Character: Constructing the Peer Identity 3. Echoes of Language in Cultural Domains 4. Politics of Language and Countering Colonialism: A Study of Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines 5. Negotiated Culture and Negotiated Identity in Amitav Ghosh's River of Smoke 6. English and Postcolonial Subjectivity in Indian Literature 7. Language Identity in India and Canada: A Comparative Study 8.
Remapping Identity via Race and Language: A Reading of Philip Roth's The Human Stain 9. Reconstructing Identity: African American Women, Language, and Their Portrayal in Literature 10. 'Trans-creating' Identity: Issues of Identity Projected by Different Text 11. Coexisting in Conflicting Togetherness: A Sociolinguistic Perspective on English and Identity in India 12. Syntactic Innovations in Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss 13. Globalisation and Identity: Interventions during Adolescence in School Education 14. Understanding Language and Politics of Identity and Mass Persuasion in India: A case of Telangana 15. Politeness in Santali: Implicit Social Aspects 16.
The Construction of Gender Identity in the Novels of Manju Kapur 17. National Literature: A Morass 18. From Honey Singh's 'Bomb Figure' to Jennifer Lopez's 'Booty': Culture Industry, Language and Identity of Women amidst 'Spicy' Lyrics 19. "Who is/are Seth's Suitable Boy(s)?": Reading Desirable Masculine Identity of Post-independent India in Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy 20. Reconstructing Femininity; Commercially and Ideologically: A Critical Discourse Study of the Editor's Notes to the first issue of Femina and Woman's Era 21. The Sense of Place and Search for Identity: The Case of Refugees from Myanmar in India 22. Role of Language in Identity Formation: An Analysis of Influence of Sanskrit on Identity Formation 23. Code-mixing, Digital Media and Negotiated Identity of the Urban Youth in India 24.
Can We Step Outside Language?: Language and Identity in Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye 25. 'Angikan' Identity: A Socio-linguistic and Sociocultural Perspective 26. Language as Real as Magic Realism: Many worlds and beyond in One Hundred Years of Solitude 27. Instrumentality of Language: How DravidianPoliticians Use Language.