On the Economic Encounter Between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
On the Economic Encounter Between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
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Author(s): Prakash, Om
ISBN No.: 9781409418283
Pages: 364
Year: 201411
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 213.93
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Contents: Introduction. Euro-Asian Encounter: Euro-Asian encounter in the early modern period. India in the Indian Ocean Trade: India in the Indian Ocean trading network on the eve of the Europeans¿ arrival in the Asian seas. European Trading Enterprises: (a) The Portuguese: Asian merchants and the Portuguese trade in Asia; The economic dimension of the Portuguese enterprise in Asia; Cooperation and conflict among European traders in the Indian Ocean in the late 18th century; (b) The Dutch: Financing the European trade with Asia in the early modern period: Dutch initiatives and innovations; 17th-century India as seen by the Dutch; (c) The English: The English East India Company and India; (d) The Dutch and the English: Alternative trading strategies: the Dutch and the English East India Companies in Asia, 1600-1650. European Private Traders: European private traders in the eastern Indian Ocean trading network in the early modern period; English private trade in the western Indian Ocean, 1720-1740. Textile Manufacturing and Trade: Bengal textiles in 17th-century international trade; From negotiation to coercion: textile manufacturing in India in the 18th century. Long Distance Trade, Coinage and Wages: Long distance trade, coinage and wages in India, 1600-1960. Trade and Politics in 18th-Century Bengal: Trade and politics in 18th century Bengal.


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