Many older cultures practiced a special event to welcome their sons into manhood and initiate them into a life of maturity and responsibility. It's not common these days. Now we typically throw our sons to the world and tell them to be men and act responsibly. I never experienced a true Rite of Passage when I grew up. I'm guessing many of you didn't either. I've done things that some people consider help make a man, but it's not the same. I never experienced an event or felt the community of men openly welcome me to join them. I often wonder what transformative effect that would've had on my life? It is my hope that we can resurrect the practice of a clear and definite Rite of Passage to welcome our sons into manhood and train them to excel in life rather than constantly wondering, "Am I a man now?" Dr.
David Powers is an adventurer, philosopher, and pioneer and lives a life of constant experimentation. His life's compass is "to seek out adventure in everything he does by being intentional, determined, and unstoppable and by energizing and outfitting others to embark on their own adventures." He fulfills his purpose through speaking and books and is a best-selling author in psychology and education. He is a decorated veteran of the Marine Corps and a founding member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He is married and the proud father of four feral boys and one princess that he and his wife homeschool. His mission in life is to find the magical best mug of coffee in the world.
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