How many of you want to be prepared for life when the crap hits the fan? I'm talking zombies, nuclear warfare, economic collapse, or aliens. What about something a little less dramatic but way more common that changes your life? Such as hurricanes, floods, civil unrest, or terrorism. It's good to be prepared, and reading good end of the world fiction like Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles is a great way to educate yourself. But those books only go so far. If you've ever read them and wished you had a little more information on tools and techniques, then this book is for you. An Informal and Unofficial Preppers Guide to James Wesley, Rawles' Patriots goes beyond the fiction and into the tactics, strategies, weapons, and more that are used in the book. This edition, the first in its series, is written by Dr. David Powers, the founder of the Center for Apocalyptic Studies, and an expert in staying alive when things fall apart.
An Informal and Unofficial Preppers Guide to James Wesley, Rawles? Patriots