Management Science : The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets
Management Science : The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets
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Author(s): Powell, Stephen G.
ISBN No.: 9780470038406
Edition: Revised
Pages: 528
Year: 200701
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 252.47
Status: Out Of Print

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Models and Modeling. 1.2 The Role of Spreadsheets. 1.3 The Real World and the Model World. 1.

4 Lessons from Expert and Novice Modelers. 1.5 Organization of the Book. 1.6 Summary. CHAPTER 2 MODELING IN A PROBLEM-SOLVING FRAMEWORK. 2.1 Introduction.

2.2 The Problem-Solving Process. 2.3 Influence Charts. 2.4 Craft Skills for Modeling. 2.5 Summary.

CHAPTER 3 BASIC EXCEL SKILLS. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Excel Prerequisites. 3.3 The Excel Window. 3.

4 Configuring Excel. 3.5 Manipulating Windows and Sheets. 3.6 Navigation. 3.7 Selecting Cells. 3.

8 Entering Text and Data. 3.9 Editing Cells. 3.10 Formatting. 3.11 Basic Formulas. 3.

12 Basic Functions. 3.13 Charting. 3.14 Printing. 3.15 Help Options. 3.

16 Summary. CHAPTER 4 ADVANCED EXCEL SKILLS. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Keyboard Shortcuts. 4.3 Controls.

4.4 Cell Comments. 4.5 Naming Cells and Ranges. 4.6 Advanced Formulas and Functions. 4.7 Recording Macros And Using VBA.

4.8 Summary. CHAPTER 5 SPREADSHEET ENGINEERING. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Designing a Spreadsheet. 5.

3 Designing a Workbook. 5.4 Building a Workbook. 5.5 Testing a Workbook. 5.6 Auditing Software: Spreadsheet Professional. 5.

7 Summary. CHAPTER 6 ANALYSIS USING SPREADSHEETS. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Base-case Analysis. 6.3 What-If Analysis.

6.4 Breakeven Analysis. 6.5 Optimization Analysis. 6.6 Simulation and Risk Analysis. 6.7 Summary.

CHAPTER 7 DATA ANALYSIS FOR MODELING. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Finding Facts from Databases. 7.3 Analyzing Sample Data. 7.

4 Estimating Parameters: Point Estimates. 7.5 Estimating Parameters: Interval Estimates. 7.6 Summary. CHAPTER 8 REGRESSION ANALYSIS. 8.1 Introduction.

8.2 A Decision-Making Example. 8.3 Exploring Data: Scatter Plots and Correlation. 8.4 Simple Linear Regression. 8.5 Goodness-of-Fit.

8.6 Simple Regression in the BPI Example. 8.7 Simple Nonlinear Regression. 8.8 Multiple Linear Regression. 8.9 Multiple Regression in the BPI Example.

8.10 Regression Assumptions. 8.11Using the Excel Tools Trendline and LINEST. 8.12 Summary. CHAPTER 9 SHORT-TERM FORECASTING. 9.

1 Introduction. 9.2 Forecasting with Time Series Models. 9.2.1 The Moving Average Model. 9.2.

2 Measures of Forecast Accuracy. 9.3 The Exponential Smoothing Model. 9.4 Exponential Smoothing with a Trend. 9.5 Exponential Smoothing with Trend and Cyclical Factors. 9.

6 Using CB Predictor. 9.6.1 Single Moving Average. 9.6.2 Single Exponential Smoothing. 9.

7 Summary. CHAPTER 10 NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 An Optimization Example. 10.3 Building Models for Solver.

10.4 Model Classification and the Nonlinear Solver. 10.5 Nonlinear Programming Examples. 10.5.1 Facility Location. 10.

6 Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Programs. 10.7 The Portfolio Optimization Model. 10.8 Summary. CHAPTER 11 LINEAR PROGRAMMING. 11.1 Introduction.

11.2 Allocation Models. 11.3 Covering Models. 11.4 Blending Models. 11.5 Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Programs.

11.6 Patterns in Linear Programming Solutions. 11.7 Data Envelopment Analysis. 11.8 Summary. Appendix 11.1.

CHAPTER 12 NETWORK MODELS. 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 The Transportation Model. 12.3 Assignment Model. 12.

4 The Transshipment Model. 12.5 A Standard Form for Network Models. 12.6 Network Models with Yields. 12.7 Network Models for Process Technologies. 12.

8 Summary. CHAPTER 13 INTEGER PROGRAMMING. 13.1 Introduction. 13.2 Integer Variables and the Integer Solver. 13.3 Binar.

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