Introduction. Chapter 1: What Is XML? Comparing HTML and XML. What Is XML Capable Of? What Is XSL? Creating and Displaying a Simple XML Document. Embedding XML in HTML Pages (Data Islands). Introducing the XML Document Object Model. XML Browsers and Different Internet Browsers. The Document Type Definition. XML Syntax.
Elements. Attributes. Reserved Characters in XML. Ignoring the XML Parser with CDATA. What Are XML Namespaces? XML in Many Languages. Summary. Exercises. Chapter 2: The XML Document Object Model.
Basic XML DOM Structure. The Primary XML DOM Classes. The Node Class. The Document Class. The Element Class. The Attr Class. The Text Class. More Obscure XML DOM Classes.
The parseError Class. HTTPRequest Class. Other Classes. Generating XML Using ASP. Summary. Exercises. Chapter 3: Extending the Power of XML with XSL. What Is XSL? The Roots of XSL.
Basic XSL Elements Syntax. Processing Instruction Elements. Transformation Elements. Node Creation Elements. Data Retrieval Elements. Control Structure Elements. Advanced XSL Syntax. Function Versus Method.
XSL Function Syntax. XSL Method Syntax. XSL Pattern Matching Syntax. Combining the XML DOM and XSL. Summary. Exercises. Chapter 4: Relational Database Tables and XML. Using SQL for Database Access.
Queries. Changing Data in a Database. Generating XML Pages Using Basic SQL. Summary. Exercises. Chapter 5: Oracle Database and XML. The Oracle XMLType Data Type. Oracle XMLType Data Type Methods.
Implementing XML in an Oracle Database. Creating XML Documents from an Oracle Database. XML and the Database. New XML Documents. Retrieving from XML Documents. Using XMLType Methods to Read XML Documents. Changing and Removing XML Document Content. Summary.
Exercises. Chapter 6: SQL Server and XML. The SQL Server XML Data Type. SQL Server XML Data Type Methods. Generating XML: The FOR XML Clause. FOR XML RAW Mode. FOR XML AUTO Mode. FOR XML EXPLICIT Mode.
FOR XML PATH Mode. Generating Tuples from XML: OPENXML. Working with XML Data Types. Adding XML Documents to SQL Server. Retrieving and Modifying XML Data Types. Defining XML Content with XSD Schemas. Strongly Typing XML Documents with XSD. Mapping an XSD Schema to a Table.
Annotating the XSD Script to Enforce Relationships. Storing XSD as a Schema Collection. Creating Indexes on XML Data Types. Summary. Exercises. Chapter 7: XML in Heterogeneous Environments. Basic XML Document Transfer. Sharing XML with Web Services.
The HTTP Protocol. Transformation Processing. Web Services Protocol. Applying Semantics to XML Transfers. Simple Object Access Protocol. External Data and XML. B2B Data Transfer. Summary.
Exercises. Chapter 8: Understanding XML Documents as Objects. Why Explain the Object Model Here? XML Data as a Relational Structure. The Basics of the Object Data Model. Creating an Object Model from a Relational Model. XML Data as an Object Structure. Summary. Exercises.
Chapter 9: What Is a Native XML Database? An XML Document Is a Database. Defining a Native XML Database. Creating a N.