Beginning XML Databases
Beginning XML Databases
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Author(s): Powell, Gavin
ISBN No.: 9780470107775
Pages: 470
Year: 200611
Format: E-Book
E-Book Format Price
DRM PDF $ 45.62

Supported by all major database systems, XML provides an easy, standardized method of transferring data between databases and to and from the Web, independent of the software in use Offers database programmers and data-driven Web developers detailed guidance on how to understand and work with XML as data Numerous hands-on, step-by-step examples help readers learn to simplify database work using XML Shows how to use XML to exchange data between multiple databases either internally or with external customers and partners Covers XML in popular databases including Oracle Database, SQL Server, and brief coverage of DB2 Database Covers basic syntax for XML, the XML DOM, and XSL with an emphasis on database use, and native XML databases Additional topics covered include Native XML databases, XPath, XQuery, XLink, XPointer, DTDs, XML Schemas, among others.

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