Series Foreword Acknowledgments Introduction Timeline of Events in the Life of John McCain Chapter 1: Son and Grandson of Admirals Chapter 2: Fifth from the Bottom: Annapolis Chapter 3: Before Combat Chapter 4: Vietnam Chapter 5: Prisoner Chapter 6: Coming Home to the U.S.A. Chapter 7: Navy Senate Liaison Chapter 8: Running for Congress Chapter 9: Congressman Chapter 10: In Barry Goldwaters Footsteps: Senator Chapter 11: Loyalty and Politics Chapter 12: The Keating Five Scandal Chapter 13: Regaining His Reputation Chapter 14: Vietnam Revisited Chapter 15:Maverick Chapter 16:Lighting in a Bottle: Running for President, 2000 Chapter 17:A Senator with Sway Chapter 18: Running Again: Campaign 2008 Chapter 19:Mr. President? Appendix I:Speeches by John McCain Appendix II:U.S. Presidential Elections since 1860 (Major Candidates) Selected Bibliography.
John Mccain : A Biography