UNIT 1: SUPPORTING THE PATIENT THROUGH THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM 1. Using Evidence in Nursing Practice 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Admitting, Transfer, and Discharge 4. Documentation and Informatics UNIT 2: VITAL SIGNS AND PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT 5. Vital Signs 6. Health Assessment UNIT 3: SPECIAL PROCEDURES 7. Specimen Collection 8.
Diagnostic Procedures UNIT 4: INFECTION CONTROL 9. Medical Asepsis 10. Sterile Technique UNIT 5: ACTIVITY AND MOBILITY 11. Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) 12. Exercise and Mobility 13. Support Surfaces and Special Beds UNIT 6: SAFETY AND COMFORT 14. Patient Safety 15. Disaster Preparedness 16.
Pain Management 17. End-of-Life Care UNIT 7: HYGIENE 18. Personal Hygiene and Bed Making 19. Care of the Eye and Ear UNIT 8: MEDICATIONS 20. Safe Medication Preparation 21. Nonparenteral Medications 22. Parenteral Medications UNIT 9: OXYGENATION 23. Oxygen Therapy 24.
Performing Chest Physiotherapy 25. Airway Management 26. Cardiac Care 27. Closed Chest Drainage Systems 28. Emergency Measures for Life Support UNIT 10: FLUID BALANCE 29. Intravenous and Vascular Access Therapy 30. Blood Therapy UNIT 11: NUTRITION 31. Oral Nutrition 32.
Enteral Nutrition 33. Parenteral Nutrition UNIT 12: ELIMINATION 34. Urinary Elimination 35. Bowel Elimination and Gastric Intubation 36. Ostomy Care UNIT 13: CARE OF THE SURGICAL PATIENT 37. Preoperative and Postoperative Care 38. Intraoperative Care UNIT 14: DRESSINGS AND WOUND CARE 39. Wound Care and Irrigations 40.
Impaired Skin Integrity Prevention and Care 41. Dressings, Bandages, and Binders 42. Warm and Cold Therapy UNIT 15: HOME CARE 42. Home Care Safety 43. Home Care Teaching.