"This book offers fresh insight into how Jesus final week before the cross put into practice the ethic of peacemaking and nonviolence he had been preaching throughout his ministry. It examines how each day of the week contributes to our understanding of what it looks like to "wage peace" and provides practical skills to fight injustice and make a positive difference for peace in our daily lives. It is designed to be used as a Lenten/Holy Week study, with discussion questions at the end of each chapter, but could be used at any time throughout the year"--"Throughout Holy Week, two competing approaches to peacemaking collide. What if weve embraced the wrong one? At the start of Holy Week, tears streamed down Jesus face as he cried out, "If only you knew the things that make for peace." From that moment, until a week later when he triumphantly declared, "Peace be with you," Jesus spent each day confronting injustice, calling out oppressors and contending for peace. But what if-despite all our familiarity with the events of Holy Week-we still dont know how Jesus makes peace? And what if-despite clinging to the cross of Christ for our salvation-weve actually embraced a different approach to peacemaking? One that justifies killing enemies. One whose methods include nailing criminals to crosses. We desperately need to recover the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus embodied throughout Holy Week.
And we urgently need to be trained in his way of making peace. So, come. Lets journey together day-by-day through Jesus final week and discover anew why he is called the Prince of Peace. "--.