Introduction; 1. Is the Constitution for Europe ‘dead and buried’?; 2. The process that led to the Constitution; 3. Changes in structures and procedures; 4. Changes in the institutions; 5. Changes in substance; 6. General assessment; Conclusion: What will the final form of the Union be?; Annex 1 - Laeken Declaration on the Future of the European Union; Annex 2 - Existing legal bases switched to ordinary legislative procedure (codecision); Annex 3 - Existing legal bases switched to qualified majority voting in the Council; Annex 4 - New legal bases; Annex 5 - Existing legal bases where unanimity, common accord or consensus will continue to apply; Annex 6 - Table of equivalences between the provisions of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe and the provisions of the EU and EC Treaties; Annex 7 - List of 'passerelles' and provisions on a simplified revision procedure.
The Constitution for Europe : A Legal Analysis