The Truth about Obamacare
The Truth about Obamacare
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Author(s): Pipes, Sally C.
ISBN No.: 9781596986367
Pages: 256
Year: 201008
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 23.39
Status: Out Of Print

Exposed: The Truth About Obamacare - Obama's national healthcare mandate will undoubtedly lead to the largest expansion of government in the history of the United States and will cost taxpayers around $1 trillion over ten years. And that's just the beginning, says Sally Pipes, author of The Truth About Obamacare. By carefully analyzing the most insidious piece of legislation ever passed, Pipes lays bare every anti-freedom, anti-business detail the Obama administration doesn't want you to see. As president of the Pacific Research Institute and a native of Canada, Pipes knows exactly how this socialized form of health care will negatively affect our society-because it already has in Canada. While a majority of Americans are outraged over the law, most people do not have the specific ammunition they need to lead the fight for repeal. The Truth About Obamacare provides a close look at the dangerous course Obama has set for the country, illustrating beyond a doubt the potential for financial ruin and decreased quality of life. Here's what the Democrats in Congress don't want you to know about Obamacare: * The "46 million uninsured" people Obama cites is a gross exaggeration-the actual number is closer to 10 million * Obamacare = taxes. It will cost $2.

5 trillion between 2014 and 2024, and to pay for it, we'll get the biggest tax increase in the nation's history: $569 billion over the next decade * Obamacare = red tape. It creates 159 new offices, agencies, and commissions, and requires 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce the insurance mandates * Obamacare = uninsured seniors. Medicare Advantage, a popular and successful program, will be slashed and phased out over the next two to six years, leaving millions of senior citizens without insurance * Obamacare = lower quality of care. It will inflate the total number of people on Medicaid to 84 million, a 37% expansion. Exposing the lies and rhetoric that have dominated the discussion about healthcare, The Truth About Obamacare offers the cold, hard facts-and 10 specific ideas for real healthcare reform that won't usurp our individual rights and empty our pockets.

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