Dedication;Preface; About This Book; How to Use This Book; Typographic Conventions; Safari Enabled; Comments and Questions; Acknowledgments;Chapter 1: Fundamentals of UML; 1.1 Getting Started; 1.2 Background; 1.3 UML Basics; 1.4 UML Specifications; 1.5 Putting UML to Work; 1.6 Modeling; 1.7 UML Rules of Thumb;Chapter 2: Class Diagrams; 2.
1 Classes; 2.2 Attributes; 2.3 Operations; 2.4 Methods; 2.5 Abstract Classes; 2.6 Relationships; 2.7 Interfaces; 2.8 Templates; 2.
9 Variations on Class Diagrams;Chapter 3: Package Diagrams; 3.1 Representation; 3.2 Visibility; 3.3 Importing and Accessing Packages; 3.4 Merging Packages; 3.5 Variations on Package Diagrams;Chapter 4: Composite Structures; 4.1 Composite Structures; 4.2 Collaborations; 4.
3 Collaboration Occurrences;Chapter 5: Component Diagrams; 5.1 Components; 5.2 Component Views;Chapter 6: Deployment Diagrams; 6.1 Artifacts; 6.2 Nodes; 6.3 Deployment; 6.4 Variations on Deployment Diagrams;Chapter 7: Use Case Diagrams; 7.1 Use Cases; 7.
2 Actors; 7.3 Advanced Use Case Modeling; 7.4 Use Case Scope;Chapter 8: Statechart Diagrams; 8.1 Behavioral State Machines; 8.2 States; 8.3 State Machine Extension; 8.4 Protocol State Machines; 8.5 Pseudostates; 8.
6 Event Processing; 8.7 Variations on Statechart Diagrams;Chapter 9: Activity Diagrams; 9.1 Activities and Actions; 9.2 Tokens; 9.3 Activity Nodes; 9.4 Advanced Activity Modeling;Chapter 10: Interaction Diagrams; 10.1 What Are Interactions?; 10.2 Interaction Participants; 10.
3 Messages; 10.4 Execution Occurrences; 10.5 State Invariants; 10.6 Event Occurrences; 10.7 Traces; 10.8 Combined Fragments; 10.9 Interaction Occurrences; 10.10 Decomposition; 10.
11 Continuations; 10.12 Sequence Timing; 10.13 Alternate Interaction Notations;Chapter 11: Tagged Values, Stereotypes, and UML Profiles; 11.1 Modeling and UML in Context; 11.2 Stereotypes; 11.3 Tagged Values; 11.4 Constraints; 11.5 UML Profiles; 11.
6 Tools and How They Use Profiles;Chapter 12: Effective Diagramming; 12.1 Wallpaper Diagrams; 12.2 Sprawling Scope; 12.3 One Diagram/One Abstraction; 12.4 Besides UML;Appendix A: MDA: Model-Driven Architecture; A.1 What Is MDA?; A.2 The Models of MDA; A.3 Design Decisions; A.
4 Sewing the Models Together; A.5 Transforming Models; A.6 Languages to Formally Describe MDA;Appendix B: The Object Constraint Language; B.1 OCL Basics; B.2 OCL Syntax; B.3 Advanced OCL Modeling;Colophon;.