Film tie-in edition of a book first published in 1996. The movie, entitled 'Rabbit-Proof Fence', is directed by Phillip Noyce. Book is based on the true account of the author's mother Molly, who led herself and her two sisters, who had been forcibly removed from their family as part of Western Australia's 'removal policy', over 1600 kilometres along the rabbit-proof fence in order to return to their mother. Escaping the brutality of the Aboriginal Settlement, the three girls, aged 14, 11 and 8, set off without provisions or maps and travelled across half the state while being tracked by Native police and search planes. Author won the 1990 David Uniapon Award for 'Caprice: A Stockman's Daughter' and has told her own story in 'Under the Wintamarra Tree' (2002).
Rabbit-Proof Fence