PART I: CLASSROOM MANUAL. 1. Overview of Engine Performance. 2. Basic Theories. 3. Engine Design and Operation. 4.
Electricity and Electronics. 5. Intake and Exhaust Systems. 6. Input Sensors. 7. Fuel Systems. 8.
Electronic Fuel Injection Systems. 9. Electronic Ignition (EI) Systems. 10. Emission Control Systems. 11. Computer Outputs and Networks. 12.
OBD II. 13. Related Systems. PART II: SHOP MANUAL. 1. Tools and Safety. 2. Typical Shop Procedures and Equipment.
3. General Engine Condition Diagnosis. 4. Basic Electrical Tests and Service. 5. Intake and Exhaust System Diagnosis and Service. 6. Engine Control System Diagnosis and Service.
7. Fuel System Diagnosis and Service. 8. Electronic Fuel Injection Diagnosis and Service. 9. Electronic Ignition System (EI) Diagnosis and Service. 10. Emission Control System Diagnosis and Service.
11. Servicing Computer Outputs and Networks. 12. On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) System Diagnostics and Service. 13. Related Systems.