Preface; Typographical Conventions; How to Contact Us; Using Code Examples; SafariĀ® Enabled; History of This Book; Acknowledgments;Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Questions and Answers; 1.2 What Does "Perl" Stand For?; 1.3 How Can I Get Perl?; 1.4 How Do I Make a Perl Program?; 1.5 A Whirlwind Tour of Perl; 1.6 Exercises;Chapter 2: Scalar Data; 2.1 Numbers; 2.
2 Strings; 2.3 Perl''s Built-in Warnings; 2.4 Scalar Variables; 2.5 Output with print; 2.6 The if Control Structure; 2.7 Getting User Input; 2.8 The chomp Operator; 2.9 The while Control Structure; 2.
10 The undef Value; 2.11 The defined Function; 2.12 Exercises;Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays; 3.1 Accessing Elements of an Array; 3.2 Special Array Indices; 3.3 List Literals; 3.4 List Assignment; 3.5 Interpolating Arrays into Strings; 3.
6 The foreach Control Structure; 3.7 Scalar and List Context; 3.8 in List Context; 3.9 Exercises;Chapter 4: Subroutines; 4.1 Defining a Subroutine; 4.2 Invoking a Subroutine; 4.3 Return Values; 4.4 Arguments; 4.
5 Private Variables in Subroutines; 4.6 Variable-Length Parameter Lists; 4.7 Notes on Lexical (my) Variables; 4.8 The use strict Pragma; 4.9 The return Operator; 4.10 Nonscalar Return Values; 4.11 Persistent, Private Variables; 4.12 Exercises;Chapter 5: Input and Output; 5.
1 Input from Standard Input; 5.2 Input from the Diamond Operator; 5.3 The Invocation Arguments; 5.4 Output to Standard Output; 5.5 Formatted Output with printf; 5.6 Filehandles; 5.7 Opening a Filehandle; 5.8 Fatal Errors with die; 5.
9 Using Filehandles; 5.10 Reopening a Standard Filehandle; 5.11 Output with say; 5.12 Exercises;Chapter 6: Hashes; 6.1 What Is a Hash?; 6.2 Hash Element Access; 6.3 Hash Functions; 6.4 Typical Use of a Hash; 6.
5 The %ENV hash; 6.6 Exercises;Chapter 7: In the World of Regular Expressions; 7.1 What Are Regular Expressions?; 7.2 Using Simple Patterns; 7.3 Character Classes; 7.4 Exercises;Chapter 8: Matching with Regular Expressions; 8.1 Matches with m//; 8.2 Option Modifiers; 8.
3 Anchors; 8.4 The Binding Operator, =~; 8.5 Interpolating into Patterns; 8.6 The Match Variables; 8.7 General Quantifiers; 8.8 Precedence; 8.9 A Pattern Test Program; 8.10 Exercises;Chapter 9: Processing Text with Regular Expressions; 9.
1 Substitutions with s///; 9.2 The split Operator; 9.3 The join Function; 9.4 m// in List Context; 9.5 More Powerful Regular Expressions; 9.6 Exercises;Chapter 10: More Control Structures; 10.1 The unless Control Structure; 10.2 The until Control Structure; 10.
3 Expression Modifiers; 10.4 The Naked Block Control Structure; 10.5 The elsif Clause; 10.6 Autoincrement and Autodecrement; 10.7 The for Control Structure; 10.8 Loop Controls; 10.9 The Ternary Operator, ?:; 10.10 Logical Operators; 10.
11 Exercises;Chapter 11: Perl Modules; 11.1 Finding Modules; 11.2 Installing Modules; 11.3 Using Simple Modules; 11.4 Exercise;Chapter 12: File Tests; 12.1 File Test Operators; 12.2 The stat and lstat Functions; 12.3 The localtime Function; 12.
4 Bitwise Operators; 12.5 Exercises;Chapter 13: Directory Operations; 13.1 Moving Around the Directory Tree; 13.2 Globbing; 13.3 An Alternate Syntax for Globbing; 13.4 Directory Handles; 13.5 Recursive Directory Listing; 13.6 Manipulating Files and Directories; 13.
7 Removing Files; 13.8 Renaming Files; 13.9 Links and Files; 13.10 Making and Removing Directories; 13.11 Modifying Permissions; 13.12 Changing Ownership; 13.13 Changing Timestamps; 13.14 Exercises;Chapter 14: Strings and Sorting; 14.
1 Finding a Substring with index; 14.2 Manipulating a Substring with substr; 14.3 Formatting Data with sprintf; 14.4 Advanced Sorting; 14.5 Exercises;Chapter 15: Smart Matching and given-when; 15.1 The Smart Match Operator; 15.2 Smart Match Precedence; 15.3 The given Statement; 15.
4 when with Many Items; 15.5 Exercises;Chapter 16: Process Management; 16.1 The system Function; 16.2 The exec Function; 16.3 The Environment Variables; 16.4 Using Backquotes to Capture Output; 16.5 Processes as Filehandles; 16.6 Getting Down and Dirty with Fork; 16.
7 Sending and Receiving Signals; 16.8 Exercises;Chapter 17: Some Advanced Perl Techniques; 17.1 Trapping Errors with eval; 17.2 Picking Items from a List with grep; 17.3 Transforming Items from a List with map; 17.4 Unquoted Hash Keys; 17.5 Slices; 17.6 Exercise;Exercise Answers; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answer to Exercise; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answers to Exercises; Answer to Exercise;Beyond the Llama; Further Documentation; Regular Expressions; Packages; Extending Perl''s Functionality; Some Important Modules; Pragmas; Databases; Other Operators and Functions; Mathematics; Lists and Arrays; Bits and Pieces; Formats; Networking and IPC; Security; Debugging; The Common Gateway Interface (CGI); Command-Line Options; Built-in Variables; Syntax Extensions; References; Tied Variables; Operator Overloading; Dynamic Loading; Embedding; Converting Other Languages to Perl; Converting find Command Lines to Perl; Command-Line Options in Your Programs; Embedded Documentation; More Ways to Open Filehandles; Locales and Unicode; Threads and Forking; Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs); And More.