Power : Why Some People Have It--And Others Don't
Power : Why Some People Have It--And Others Don't
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Author(s): Pfeffer, Jeffrey
ISBN No.: 9780061789083
Pages: 288
Year: 201010
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 34.27
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

"Jeff Pfeffer is of immense service to the world with his work, blending academic rigor and practical genius into wonderfully readable text. The leading thinker on the topic of power, Pfeffer here distills his wisdom into an indispensable guide." -- Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and How the Mighty Fall "Talk about speaking truth to power! In refreshingly candid prose, Jeff Pfeffer offers brilliant insights into how power is successfully built, maintained, and employed in organizations. It's well known that when Pfeffer speaks about power, smart people listen. This book shows why." -- Robert Cialdini, author of Influence "Jeff Pfeffer nails it! Political skill, not just talent, is central to success in every field. In Power, this leading scholar comes down to earth with practical, even contrarian, tactics for mastering the power game." -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Chaired Professor, Harvard Business School, and bestselling author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End and SuperCorp "[ Power ] will help you get comfortable with challenging assumptions and lingering on the pause.

[Pfeffer] draws on a wealth of social-science and psychology research." -- Inc. "Its candor, crisp prose, and forthrightness are fresh and appealing. Brimming with frank, realistic insights on paths to the top, this book offers unexpected--and aggressive--directions on how to advance and flourish in an ever-more competitive workplace." -- Publishers Weekly "[Academics and consultants] have an interest in presenting business as a rational enterprise. This leaves the analysis of power to retired businesspeople.(who strive to present themselves as business geniuses rather than Machiavellis) and practicing snake-oil salesmen.Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford Business School is an exception to this rule.

" -- The Economist "[ Power ] ought to be required reading for would-be leaders.[E]xcellent." -- Financial Times.

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