Research Handbook on Corporate Liability
Research Handbook on Corporate Liability
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Author(s): Petrin, Martin
ISBN No.: 9781800371279
Pages: 500
Year: 202308
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 433.32
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Contents:Introduction to the Research Handbook on Corporate Liability 1Martin Petrin and Christian A. WittingPART I FOUNDATIONS1 The company and its constituents 7Susan Watson2 Theoretical approaches to corporate liability 24Martin Petrin3 Corporate liability: a systems perspective 42Christian A. WittingPART II CORPORATE LIABILITY4 Corporate law and statutory liability 62Deirdre Ahern5 Issuer liability: ownership structure and the circularity debate 82Martin Gelter6 Corporate criminal liability 100Samuel W. Buell7 Corporate tortious liability 116Robert J. Rhee8 Agency liability 136Tan Cheng-Han9 Attribution 156Ernest LimPART III PERSONAL LIABILITY10 Directors' and officers' liability under securities laws 174Lisa M. Fairfax11 Evolution of director oversight duties and liability under Caremark:using enhanced information-acquisition duties in the public interest 194Jennifer Arlen12 Fiduciary liability and business judgment 222Paul B. Miller13 Review of directors' business judgments 238Joan Loughrey14 Joint liability 257Joachim DietrichPART IV VICARIOUS LIABILITY AND EXTENDED LIABILITY15 Vicarious liability and corporations 275Paula Giliker16 Toward corporate group accountability 294Virginia Harper Ho, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Rachel Chambers17 Liability in the shipping industry 317Martin Davies18 Enterprise liability 332Gregory C. KeatingPART V THE CLAIMS PROCESS19 Overlapping remedies 353Bert I.

Huang20 Jurisdiction and corporations: identifying an international standard 367Richard GarnettPART VI THE FUTURE OF CORPORATE LIABILITY21 The future of corporate criminal liability in the ESG space 389J.S. Nelson22 Towards corporate digital responsibility 411Florian Möslein23 Accountability for AI labor 436Mihailis E. Diamantis24 The company and blockchain technology 449Kelvin F.K. Low, Edmund Schuster and Wan Wai YeeIndex.

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