FINALLY. A book that shows you how to smile more often, have more money in your pocket, and achieve your wildest dreams!Do you want to virtually guarantee your success? Do you want to crumple up that To-Do list and throw it in the trash? Are you tired of listening to that whiny coworker/neighbor of yours complain about their uncle's daddy's stepsister? Then it's time for you to take Control. In "Control: How to Get the Life You Want, The Way You Want It" you'll learn.- How to simplify your life- How to make sure you never go broke- How to achieve your goals (and why most people don't)- How to get rid of whiners and complainers for good- How to simplify decisions and get more done in record time- How to identify the reason you were born- And much, much more! If you're ready to walk into a room and command it at any moment, know that your bank account will always be full, and be admired by everyone you know, then you're ready to take Control.
Control : How to Get the Life You Want, the Way You Want It