'This collection will gladden hearts; young people revealing hopes and dreams, being frank about weaknesses and in a few cases surprised to discover their strengths. Listen to them, they shape the society and community in which we grow.' - Quentin Bryce, Governor General of Australia Di Perkins, influenced by the ABC television program Australian Story, has collected equally inspirational stories as told to her by young adults (many of whom are ex students) whose challenges and responses to these also 'exemplify the courage, fortitude and determination of the Australian spirit'. Di believes it would be a different world 'if each of us respected those with whom we worked, travelled or talked - if only we knew their stories.' The courage displayed by these students as they have surmounted unimaginable obstacles along the way to adulthood is uplifting and the positive an meaningful messages for others are loud and clear. The stories within the selection: Reach for the Stars, Peace and Acceptance, Adapting to Change, Surviving, Learning and Growing and Love, Loss and Courage, cover what seem to be all possible experiences that humans can endure in this life. The reader is left wiser and grateful for having had the opportunity to learn more about the strength and generosity of the human spirit.
Wallaby Stew