Essential Law for Information Professionals
Essential Law for Information Professionals
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Author(s): Pedley, Paul
ISBN No.: 9781856047692
Pages: 288
Year: 201201
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 114.12
Status: Out Of Print

1. General law and background 1.1 Legal system 1.1.1 Common law system 1.1.2 Civil law system 1.2 Court system 1.

2.1 England and Wales 1.2.2 Scotland 1.2.3 Northern Ireland 1.2.4 Tribunals 1.

3 Sources of law 1.3.1 Progress of UK government legislation 1.3.2 Law reports 1.3.3 Public international law 1.3.

4 Websites 1.4 European Union 1.4.1 Primary legislation 1.4.2 Secondary legislation 1.4.3 Gold plating 1.

5 Legal concepts/terminology 1.5.1 Criminal law 1.5.2 Civil law 1.5.3 Tort (England, Wales, Northern Ireland)/Delict (Scotland) 1.5.

4 Contract law 1.5.5 Property 1.6 Conclusions References 2. Copyright 2.1 General principles 2.1.1 Copyright ownership 2.

2 Economic and moral rights 2.2.1 Risk management 2.3 Legislative framework 2.3.1 Berne Convention 2.3.2 Universal Copyright Convention 2.

3.3 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 2.3.4 World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty 2.3.5 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 2.3.6 European directives on copyright matters 2.

3.7 UK Legislation 2.3.8 Supplementary case law 2.4 Acts permitted in relation to copyright works 2.4.1 Fair dealing 2.4.

2 The library provisions in the CDPA 2.5 Licensing 2.5.1 Copyright Licensing Agency 2.5.2 Newspaper Licensing Agency 2.5.3 Design and Artists Copyright Society 2.

5.4 Ordnance Survey 2.5.5 The National Archives 2.5.6 Creative Commons 2.6 Digital copyright 2.6.

1 Internet 2.6.2 Right of communication to the public 2.6.3 Hyperlinking and deep linking 2.6.4 Database regulations 2.6.

5 Archiving and preservation of digital content 2.6.6 Licensing of electronic resources 2.6.7 Digital rights management systems 2.6.8 Digital signatures and copyright declaration forms 2.6.

9 The implications for libraries of the Digital Economy Act 2010 2.6.10 The Hargreaves review of intellectual property and growth 2.7 Copyright clearance 2.7.1 Databases of rights owners 2.7.2 Orphan works 2.

8 Open access 2.9 Ethical and professional issues and conflicts 2.10 Further information References Notes 3. Legal deposit 3.1 Introduction 3.2 General principles 3.2.1 Print material 3.

2.2 Non-print material 3.3 Voluntary deposit of non-print publications 3.4 Enforcement 3.5 Copyright and use of legal deposit material 3.6 Online defamation References 4. Breach of confidence 4.1 General principles 4.

2 Obligation of confidence and the Freedom of Information Act 4.3 Remedies 4.4 Case law on breach of confidence References Notes 5. Patents, trade marks and design right 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Patents 5.2.1 The legislative regime for patents 5.

2.2 Software and intellectual property law 5.3 Trade and service marks 5.3.1 Trade mark law and practice 5.3.2 Renewing trade marks 5.3.

3 Trade marks and domain names 5.3.4 Cybersquatting 5.3.5 Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy 5.3.6 Company names and trade marks 5.4 Design right 5.

5 Further information References 6. Contracts and licensing agreements 6.1 General principles 6.2 Negotiating licences 6.2.1 Factors that can make or break a deal 6.3 Consortia and standard licences 6.4 Technology solutions 6.

5 Use of passwords for licensed products 6.5.1 Usage data 6.6 Further information References 7. Data protection 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General principles 7.3 The eight data protection principles 7.

3.1 First principle 7.3.2 Second principle 7.3.3 Third principle 7.3.4 Fourth principle 7.

3.5 Fifth principle 7.3.6 Sixth principle 7.3.7 Seventh principle 7.3.8 Eighth principle 7.

4 Processing of personal data 7.5 Notification 7.6 How to protect your information 7.7 Identity theft 7.8 Rights of the data subject 7.8.1 Credit reference agencies 7.9 Data protection and employment 7.

9.1 Recruitment and selection 7.9.2 Employment records and references 7.9.3 Employee monitoring 7.10 The business case 7.11 Data protection compliance audits 7.

12 Issues concerning websites and intranets 7.12.1 Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 7.12.2 Spam 7.13 Fines and prosecutions 7.14 The implications for librarians 7.14.

1 E-books - privacy concerns 7.14.2 Electoral roll information in libraries 7.14.3 Radio Frequency Identification 7.15 British Standard on data protection 7.16 Further information References 8. Privacy 8.

1 General principles 8.2 Obligation of confidence v. breach of privacy 8.3 Codes of practice 8.4 Injunctions 8.5 Privacy and libraries 8.6 Case law Further information References 9. Freedom of information 9.

1 General principles of freedom of information 9.2 The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 9.2.1 Local authorities 9.3 Publication schemes 9.4 Copyright implications of the FOIA 9.5 Freedom of information and library and information professionals 9.6 Freedom of information rights and request procedures 9.

7 Exemptions and appeals 9.8 Enforcement 9.9 The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) 9.9.1 What is environmental information? 9.10 Freedom of information in Scotland 9.11 Freedom of information and data protection 9.11.

1 Fees and charges 9.11.2 The time limit for responding to requests 9.11.3 The exemptions 9.12 European Union documents 9.13 Datasets 9.14 CCTV 9.

15 Further information and keeping up to date 9.15.1 Organizations 9.15.2 Journals 9.15.3 Weblogs and newsfeeds References 10. The Information Commissioner 10.

1 The role of the Information Commissioner 10.1.1 Data protection 10.1.2 Freedom of information 10.1.3 Environmental Information Regulations 10.2 The Information Commissioner and devolved government 10.

3 Scottish Information Commissioner 10.4 Charging for services 10.5 Further information References 11. Human rights 11.1 General principles 11.1.1 Fundamental Rights Agency 11.2 Online human rights code 11.

3 Guiding principles for library and information professionals 11.3.1Human rights and the information society 11.4 Human rights and data protection 11.5 Human rights and breach of confidence 11.6 Human rights and copyright 11.7 Human rights and freedom of expression 11.8 Further information References 12.

The reuse of public sector information 12.1 General principles 12.1.1 UK Open Government Licence 12.1.2 Information Asset Register 12.1.3 Information Fair Trader Scheme 12.

2 Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information (APPSI) 12.3 Right to data 12.4 Public Data Corporation 12.5 Further information 12.5.1 Organizations 12.5.2 Publications References 13.

Defamation 13.1 Introduction 13.2 General principles 13.3 Slander 13.4 Libel 13.5 Defences to libel 13.5.1 Justification/veritas 13.

5.2 Honest comment (previously known as fair comment) 13.5.3 Privilege 13.5.4 The offer to make amends 13.6 Remedies 13.6.

1 Civil action for damages 13.6.2 Costs 13.6.3 An injunction/interdict to prevent repetition 13.6.4 Criminal prosecution to punish the wrongdoer by fine or imprisonment 13.7 Defamation and the internet 13.

7.1 The liability of internet service providers for other people''s material 13.7.2 The application of the limitation period to online archives 13.7.3 Exposure of internet publishers to liability in other jurisdictions 13.7.4 The risk of prosecution for contempt of court 13.

7.5 Social networking sites 13.7.6 E-mail libel 13.8 Checklist References Notes 14. Professional liability 14.1 General principles 14.2 Contract 14.

3 Tort (delict in Scotland) 14.4 Liability and electronic information 14.5 Liability for copyright infringement 14.6 Risk management 14.7 Indemnity and insurance References Notes 15.Cybercrime and computer misuse 15.1 General principles 15.2 Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime 15.

3 The Computer Misuse Act 1990 15.4 Hacking 15.5 Viruses, worms and Trojans 15.6 Intellectual property infringement 15.7 Pornography 15.8 Fraud 15.8.1 Phishing 15.

8.2 Pharming 15.9 Denial of service attacks 15.10 Acceptable use policies 15.11 Communications Act 2003 References 16. Disability discrimination 16.1 General principles 16.2 Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 16.

3 The Right to Read 16.4 Website accessibility 16.5 Further information References 17. Other legal issues relevant to librarians 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Police, surveillance and libraries 17.3 Cloud computing 17.3.

1 Escrow agreements 17.3.2 Data protection issues 17.4 Stocking extremist/controversial literature 17.5 Theft or mutilation of rare books 17.5.1 Examples of theft by library users 17.5.

2 Examples of theft by library staff 17.6 Public lending and e-books 17.7 Statutory duty of local authorities to provide a comprehensive library service 17.8 Further information References Further reading.

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