Origins and destinations, Pamela Abbott and Geoff Payne; women's social mobility - the conventional wisdom reconisdered, Pamela Abbott and Geoff Payne; the mobility of women and men, Tony Chapman; a re-examination of the "The Theses Re-examined", Pamela Abbott; the changing pattern of early career mobility, Geoff Payne, Judy Payne and Tony Chpaman; gender and intergenerational mobility, Robert Miller and Bernadette Hayes; the career mobility of women and men, Tony Chapman; credentials and careers, Rosemary Crompton and Kay Sanderson; marriage partners and their class trajectories, Gill Jones; occupational mobility over women's lifetime, Shirley Dex; stratification over the life-course - gender differences within the hosuehold, Angela Dale; beyond male mobility models, Geoff Payne and Pamela Abbott.
The Social Mobility of Women : Beyond Male Mobility Models