{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs20 Mica Paris has been famous since her teenage years. Her rapid success as a singer meant that she was bullied into slimming and had an unhealthy obsession with her appearance. For years she dieted, ate badly and was unhappy. A crisis forced her to sit up and realise that she could change her bad habits and think differently about herself. \par Mica feels that many women's negative self-image is encouraged by the media's constantly damaging messages: about striving to be a size zero, fear of getting old, need for cosmetic surgery and an insatiable thirst for material goods. How is it, she asks, that our role models are anorexics and drug addicts? We need to remember where true happiness comes from, stand firm and be proud of who and what we are. \par In BEAUTIFUL WITHIN, Mica talks about her shift of emphasis from being thin to being fit, the adjustments she made and good habits she cultivated: moderate exercise, a ban on diets, a powerful change in outlook. She also discusses how she has gained strength from her spirituality and how it gives her a sense of optimism.
\par With a mix of practical tips and honest personal revelations, BEAUTIFUL WITHIN is an inspiring look at how we can all turn our lives around and choose a healthy, sane way to live. \par }.