"A madcap thriller with sharp social commentary from Pargin." - William Earl, Variety "Strident and timely, the dark humor of this wild standalone adventure from Pargin evokes satirists like Kurt Vonnegut and Douglas Adams for a new age. It's a raucous roller-coaster ride." -- Publisher's Weekly "A comical road trip that may end in mass destruction.Wacky, thoughtful, and fun." -- Kirkus Reviews "A road trip through America that is equal parts hilarious and terrifying. Jason understands humanity better than most, and it's inspiring that his diagnosis is ultimately optimistic." -- Daniel O'Brien, Senior Writer, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver "I was hooked from the first page.
If I'm honest, from the first sentence or two. Jason has a rare gift for delivering High Weirdness coated in a sticky layer of real life, deeply relatable shit that forces you to see yourself in whatever weirdo or maniac he introduces. It's a rare gift, but he's got a lot of those. You should read this book." -- Robert Evans, Host of Behind the Bastards "Jason Pargin's curse is a brain that can make sense of what we're all living through. His gift is an ability to take the key elements -- paranoia, screen addiction, deep loneliness, fear of the end times -- and hocus-pocus them into a comic thriller. Illuminatus! for an even weirder time, and with much cooler cars." -- David Weigel, national political reporter, Semafor "Jason Pargin has a unique grasp on all the ways our relationship with information technology has warped our brains and our society as a whole.
This latest work is a fun, socially relevant, and propulsive work of satire. Well, mostly satire: The way its characters fabricate dangerous narratives out of whatever information they can access is terrifyingly true to life. I felt personally called out a dozen times and I loved every page of it." -- Matthew Kitchen, Editor, Chron.