Chapter 1. How innovative technology serves the retailer: a store sales cycle model; Tibert Verhagen and Jesse Weltevreden. Chapter 2. The rise of robots in retailing: literature review on success factors and pitfalls; Laurens De Gauquier, Malaika Brengman, and Kim Willens. Chapter 3. Technological diversification in retail agglomerations: case studies along the marketing mix; Amela Dizdarevic, Heiner Evanschitzky, Christof Brackhaus. Chapter 4. Digital Signage in the Store Atmosphere: Balancing Gains and Pains; Stefanie van de Sanden, Kim Willems, Ingrid Poncin, and Malaika Brengman.
Chapter 5. Technology-infused organizational frontlines: When (not) to use chatbots in retailing to promote customer engagement; Mathieu Lajante and Marzia Del Prete. Chapter 6. Dealing with fake reviews in retailing; Scott Dacko, Rainer Schmidt, Michael Mohring and Barbara Keller. Chapter 7. Towards omnichannel retail management: evidences from practice; Monica Grosso and Sandro Castaldo Chapter 8. Slaves to the algorithm: a discussion of the on-line shopping behavior of minors; Alun Epps. Chapter 9.
Transforming the e-retailing experience: towards a framework for the socialization of the virtual dressing room; Vanissa Wanick and Eirini Bazaki Chapter 10. Smart consumers and decision making process; Costantinos-Vasilios Priporas Chapter 11. The dark side of artificial intelligence in retail services innovation; Ali B. Mahmoud, Shehnaz Tehseen and Leonora Fuxman Chapter 12. Retailing and the ethical challenges and dilemmas behind artificial intelligence; Andreas Kaplan. Chapter 13. Do I lose my privacy for a better service? Investigating the interplay between big data analytics and privacy loss from young consumers' perspective; Virginia Vannucci and Eleonora Pantano.