Harness the power of whole-plant foods to lead a long and vibrant life--whether youre vegan, vegetarian or omnivorous. Eat more whole plants. This simple recommendation is at the heart of a building consensus: The healthiest diet is a plant-based diet. Plants have spent millions of years evolving their defenses against disease. Now, studies indicate that by eating whole, minimally processed plant foods, humans too can gain protection--against everyday illness, diabetes, obesity, depression, mental decline, heart disease, and even cancer. In "The Plant-Powered Diet," registered dietitian Sharon Palmer marshals the most up-to-date findings in nutrition to explain both why you should fill more of your plate with whole-plant foods and how to do so, whether youre a longtime vegan or a committed omnivore. Here is: - Essential information on the healthiest plant foods--whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and even herbs, spices, chocolate, coffee, tea, and wine- Advice for navigating the supermarket, kitchen, restaurant menus, on-the-go meals, exercise, and more- A 14-day meal plan, plus daily action alerts to get you started- And 75 original plant-based recipes for every meal--all with complete nutritional data. "The Plant-Powered Diet" is not a diet youll go "on" today and "off" tomorrow.
It is a simple, satisfying, and thoroughly delicious way of eating that can not only "last" your lifetime--but "lengthen" it.