Child Observation : A Guide for Students of Early Childhood
Child Observation : A Guide for Students of Early Childhood
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Author(s): Palaiologou, Ioanna
ISBN No.: 9781473952409
Pages: 288
Year: 201607
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 39.20
Status: Out Of Print

Dr. Ioanna Palaiologou will be discussing key ideas from The Early Years Foundation Stage in the SAGE Early Years Masterclass , a free professional development experience hosted by Kathy Brodie. To sign up, or for more information, click here . Dr. Ioanna Palaiologou CPsychol AFBPsS is an Associate at the Institute of Education, University College London, Centre for Leadership in Learning. Ioanna has worked as a university academic in the UK for the last 20 years and is now returning to her career as a child psychologist. She is a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society with specialism on child development and learning theories and was appointed as Associate Fellow of BPS this year. Currently she is the Co-Director of Canterbury Educational Services and Head of Children_s Services in the same company.

Whilst completing her PhD Ioanna worked both as a researcher in education and lecturer on Education and Early Childhood Studies in UK universities. In 2004 she joined the University of Hull and during the next nine years she worked as Programme Director of BA (Hons) Educational Studies, Co-ordinator of Early Childhood Studies provision, Course Leader for the Masters in Early Childhood Studies and Academic Coordinator for Research Students Support within the Faculty of Education. Her most recent post in higher education was with Canterbury Christ Church University from January, 2014 where she remains as an Associate Doctoral Supervisor. She joined BESA in 2005. She is a member of the Executive and has been the Chair in 2011-2012. Currently she is the Treasurer of the association.Her recent books include: Palaiologou, I., (forthcoming-2016) Child Observation for Early Childhood (3 rd edition), London: Learning Matters, an Imprint of SAGE Publications Ltd.

Palaiologou, I., (Ed) (2016) Early Years Foundation Stage: Theory and Practice (3 rd edition), London: SAGE. Palaiologou, I, Needham, D, and Male. T., (Eds) (2016), Doing Research in Education: Theory and Practice, London: SAGE. Palaiologou, I., (2012) Child Observation for the Early Years (2 nd edition), London: Learning Matters, an Imprint of SAGE Publications Ltd. Palaiologou, I.

, (Ed) (2012) Ethical Practice in Early Childhood, London: SAGE. Some of her recent selected papers include: Male, T., and Palaiologou, I., (2015) Pedagogical leadership in the 21 st century, in Educational Management Administration and Leadership, vol 43 (2), pp 214-231. (DOI 10.1177/1741143213494889). Feldges, T., Male, T.

, Palaiologou, I., and Burwood, S., (2015) The Quest to Re-energise Academic Staff in an Age of Performativity, in EducationalFutures, vol 7 (1), pp 1-15. Alameen L., Male, T., and Palaiologou, I., (2015) Exploring Pedagogical Leadership in Early Years Education in Saudi Arabia, in School Leadership & Administration ( DOI: 10.1080/13632434.

2014.992773). Palaiologou, I., (2014) Children Under Five and Digital Technologies: Implication for Early Years Pedagogy, in The European Early Childhood Research Journal, vol 24 (1) (printed copy publication 2016) (DOI:10.1080/1350293X.2014.929876) . Palaiologou, I.

, (2014) _Do we hear what children want to say?_ Ethical Praxis when choosing research tools with children under five, in Early Child Development and Care , vol 184 (5), pp 689-705 ( DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2013.809341) Male. T., and Palaiologou, I., (2012) Learning _Centred Leadership or Pedagogical Leadership? An alternative approach to leadership in education contexts, in International Journal of Leadership in Education , vol 15 ( 1 ) pp. 107-118 (DOI: 10.

1080/13603124.2011.617839). You can find Ioanna: TWITTER: @IPalaiologou EMAIL:

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