Cases and Materials on Employment Law
Cases and Materials on Employment Law
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Author(s): Painter, Richard
ISBN No.: 9780199679096
Pages: 782
Year: 201507
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 99.37
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

Cases and Materials on Employment Law is the complete reference resource for students of employment law. The most current sourcebook on the market, the 10th edition offers a wealth of well-chosen case law and stimulating extracts and materials to explain employment law in a contextualized and thought-provoking manner. Discerning author notes and questions accompany each extract, providing valuable additional detail to further students' understanding and encourage them to engage critically with the material. Online Resource Centre This book is also accompanied by a free online resource centre ( which includes an additional material on family rights, an extra chapter on health and safety at work as well as updates to the law and useful weblinks.

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