PROVISIONAL CONTENTS: * Ray Kiely: Is the (neo-)liberal international order coming to an end? * Leo Panitch & Sam Gindin: The Empire in crisis * Doug Henwood & Liza Featherstone: Trump and the US ruling class * Nicole Aschoff: The USA at the end of the 'end of history' * Colin Leys: The UK's post-Brexit condition * Nancy Fraser: Social Reproduction in an upside down world * Elmar Altvater & Brigitta Mahnkopf: Ecological challenges and the capitalist counter-revolution * Melinda Cooper: Anti-Austerity on the far right * Alan Cafruny: The crisis of neoliberalism in Europe * Aijaz Ahmad: Geopolitics in a world turned upside down * Jayati Ghosh: The new contradictions of capitalist developmentalism * Sean Starrs: Can China unmake the American making of global capitalism? * Lin Chun: China's New Internationalism * Ana Garcia & Patrick Bond: What happened to the BRICS? * Adam Hanieh: The contradictions of global migration * Massimiliano Mollona: What has happened to the proletariat? From Britain to Brazil * David Whyte: The global corporation run wild * Umut Ozsu: What good is international law? * Alfredo Saad Filho: No end to Neoliberalism? * Greg Albo: Post-capitalism? * Wendy Brown: Post-politics and the undoing of democracy * Martin Hart Lansberg: New world centres?.
Socialist Register 2019 : A World Turned Upside Down