The ultimate Australian reference source - the most comprehensive and detailed. Ever. Step-by-step instructions are supported by over 350 photographs and drawings that explain in detail the steps needed for successful colony management. This 2nd edition includes a new chapter on the Flow Hive. Includes a chapter on native bees, the unacknowledged pollinators of Australia. Includes information on bumblebees, European wasps and the Asian Honey Bee, all three of which are found in Australia but which are not covered in other Australian beekeeping books in any detail. Pre-emptive text includes information on major threats to honey bee health that have not yet been found in Australia but which are already widespread in Asia, North America and Europe (e.g.
Varroa mite). Self-contained chapters mean the book can be dipped into as a quick reference or read from beginning to end. The only beekeeping book published globally that includes a comprehensive chapter on how to enter honey in competition.