Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture in the Dry Areas
Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture in the Dry Areas
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Author(s): Oweis, Theib Y.
ISBN No.: 9780415621144
Pages: 266
Year: 201205
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 178.27
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

Preface Acknowledgements About the authors Symbols Abbreviations 1 Principles and practices of water harvesting 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Concept and definition of water harvesting 1.3 History 1.4 Components of water harvesting systems 1.5 Importance and benefits of water harvesting 1.6 Impact of global climate change and adaptation measures 2 Hydrological aspects of water harvesting 2.1 Introduction 2.

2 The hydrological cycle 2.3 Small hydrological watershed model 2.4 Hydrological characteristics 2.4.1 Evapotranspiration 2.4.2 Precipitation 2.5 Frequency analysis and design rainfall 2.

6 Rainfall-runoff relationship 2.6.1 Factors affecting runoff Soil type 2.6.1.

2 Rainfall characteristics Land cover Slope of the micro-catchment 2.6.

1.5 Size and shape of the micro-catchment 2.6.2 Runoff models suitable for water harvesting Runoff models for micro-catchment water harvesting 2.6.

2.2 Runoff models for macro-catchment water harvesting 3 Methods and techniques in water harvesting 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Classifications of water harvesting methods 3.3 Micro-catchment water harvesting methods 3.3.1 Rooftop and courtyard systems 3.3.

1.1 Suitable surfaces Issues to be addressed 3.3.2 On-farm systems 3.3.

2.1 Inter-row water harvesting Negarim Meskat 3.

3.2.4 Contour bench terraces Small pits 3.3.2.

6 Contour bunds and ridges Semicircular and trapezoidal bunds Eyebrow terraces 3.3.

2.9 Rectangular bunds Vallerani-type micro-catchments 3.4 Macro-catchment water harvesting techniques 3.4.1 Introduction 3.

4.2 Long-slope water harvesting Hillside conduit systems Limans 3.

4.2.3 Large semicircular or trapezoidal bunds Cultivated tanks/reservoirs and hafairs 3.4.3 Floodwater harvesting systems 3.

4.3.1 Wadi-bed water harvesting systems Off-wadi systems 3.5 Harvesting water for animal consumption 3.5.

1 Traditional techniques 3.5.2 Modern techniques 3.6 Contamination concerns 4 Runoff inducement methods 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Methods of improving runoff 4.2.1 Creating shallow channels 4.

2.2 Clearing the catchment 4.2.3 Smoothing the soil surface 4.2.4 Compacting the soil surface 4.2.5 Surface sealing 4.

2.6 Impermeable coverings 4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of runoff-inducement methods 4.4 Further considerations 5 Identification of areas suitable for water harvesting 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Parameters for identifying suitable areas 5.2.1 Rainfall characteristics 5.

2.2 Hydrology and water resources 5.2.3 Vegetation and land use 5.2.4 Topography, soil type and soil depth 5.2.5 Socioeconomics and infrastructure 5.

3 Methods of data acquisition 5.3.1 Overview 5.3.2 Ground truthing 5.3.3 Aerial photography 5.3.

4 Satellite and remote-sensing technology 5.4 Tools 5.4.1 Maps Topographic maps 5.4.

1.2 Thematic maps 5.4.2 Aerial photographs 5.4.3 Geographic information systems 5.5 Decision trees 6 Planning and design of water harvesting systems 6.1 Introduction 6.

2 Soil-water-plant-climate relations 6.2.1 Soil Texture and structure 6.2.1.

2 Water-holding capacity and soil depth Infiltration rate 6.2.2 Crop water requirements 6.2.2.

1 Plant and drought Estimating crop water needs Field water budget 6.3 Rainfall 6.

3.1 Inter-seasonal distribution of rainfall 6.3.2 Design rainfall 6.3.3 Need for storage 6.3.4 Basic design procedure 6.

3.5 Selection of site and method 6.3.6 Selection of crops 6.3.7 Runoff estimation 6.3.8 Catchment: Cropping area ratio (CCR) 6.

3.9 Design examples 6.3.10 Optimization of system design 6.3.11 Further considerations in area ratio selection 6.4 Design considerations for trees 6.4.

1 Design for trees 6.4.2 Life-saving harvested water 6.5 Dimensioning, materials and estimation of quantities 6.5.1 Dimensioning and system layout 6.5.2 Bund earthwork 6.

5.3 Earthwork balance 7 Storage of harvested water 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Soil profile 7.3 Above ground storage 7.4 Surface/ground storage 7.4.1 Small storage ponds 7.

4.2 Small farm reservoirs 7.4.3 Tanks 7.4.4 Hafairs 7.4.5 Large reservoirs 7.

5 Subsurface/underground storage 7.5.1 Cisterns 7.5.2 Lining water storage structures 7.5.3 Groundwater dams 7.5.

3.1 Sand-storage dams Percolation dams Subsurface dams 7.

6 Selection of storage system 8 Implementation, operation, and maintenance of water harvesting systems 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Implementing water harvesting systems 8.3 Considerations in implementation 8.3.1 Over-design and under-design issues 8.3.2 Appropriate technology 8.

4 Operating water harvesting systems 8.5 Maintaining water harvesting systems 8.6 Monitoring and evaluation 8.7 Extension and training 9 Socioeconomic issues 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Social feasibility studies 9.3 Land-tenure issues 9.4 Analyzing costs and benefits of water harvesting 9.

4.1 Costs in water harvesting 9.4.2 Benefits of water harvesting 9.4.3 Economic feasibility analysis 9.4.3.

1 Micro-catchments for field crops Macro-catchments in sub-Saharan Africa Examples from China and India 9.4.

3.4 Some general recommendations 9.5 Integrated approach to planning and management 9.5.1 The role of government agencies 9.5.2 Community participation 9.5.

3 Gender representation 9.5.4 Farmers as manager 9.5.5 The role of experts and donor agencies 9.5.6 Adoption or non-adoption of interventions 9.6 Water harvesting and sustainability in agriculture 9.

6.1 Resource sustainability 9.6.2 Ecological sustainability 9.6.3 Social sustainability 9.6.4 Other sustainability aspects 9.

6.4.1 Economic sustainability Technological sustainability 9.6.4.

3 Political sustainability 10 Water quality and environmental considerations 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Water harvested for human consumption 10.3 Water harvested for animal consumption 10.4 Water harvested for crop production 10.5 Water quality considerations 10.5.1 Rooftop and courtyard systems 10.

5.2 Runoff water from on-farm micro-catchment systems 10.5.3 Long-slope water harvesting 10.5.4 Floodwater harvesting 10.6 Impacts on downstream ecosystems and biodiversity 10.7 Water-borne diseases References Index Color plates ;lt;BR>2.

6.1.2 Rainfall characteristics Land cover 2.6.1.

4 Slope of the micro-catchment Size and shape of the micro-catchment 2.6.2 Runoff models suitable for water harvesting 2.6.2.

1 Runoff models for micro-catchment water harvesting Runoff models for macro-catchment water harvesting 3 Methods and techniques in water harvesting 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Classifications of water harvesting methods 3.3 Micro-catchment water harvesting methods 3.3.

1 Rooftop and courtyard systems Suitable surfaces Issues to be addressed 3.3.

2 On-farm systems Inter-row water harvesting Negarim 3.3.

2.3 Meskat Contour bench terraces Small pits 3.

3.2.6 Contour bunds and ridges Semicircular and trapezoidal bunds 3.3.2.

8 Eyebrow terraces Rectangular bunds Vallerani-type micro-catchments 3.4 Macro-catchment water harvesting techniques 3.

4.1 Introduction 3.4.2 Long-slope water harvesting Hillside conduit systems 3.4.

2.2 Limans Large semicircular or trapezoidal bunds Cultivated tanks/reservoirs and hafairs 3.

4.3 Floodwater harvesting systems Wadi-bed water harvesting systems Off-wadi systems 3.

5 Harvesting water for animal consumption 3.5.1 Traditional techniques 3.5.2 Modern techniques 3.6 Contamination concerns 4 Runoff inducement methods 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Methods of improving runoff 4.

2.1 Creating shallow channels 4.2.2 Clearing the catchment 4.2.3 Smoothing the soil surface 4.2.4 Compacting the soil surface 4.

2.5 Surface sealing 4.2.6 Impermeable coverings 4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of runoff-inducement methods 4.4 Further considerations 5 Identification of areas suitable for water harvesting 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Parameters for identifying suitable areas 5.

2.1 Rainfall characteristics 5.2.2 Hydrology and water resources 5.2.3 Vegetation and land use 5.2.4 Topography, soil type and soil depth 5.

2.5 Socioeconomics and infrastructure 5.3 Methods of data acquisition 5.3.1 Overview 5.3.2 Ground truthing 5.3.

3 Aerial photography 5.3.4 Satellite and remote-sensing technology 5.4 Tools 5.4.1 Maps 5.4.1.

1 Topographic maps Thematic maps 5.4.2 Aerial photographs 5.4.3 Geographic information.

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