1. Stresses in soils 1.1.Types of stresses 1.2. External stresses 1.2.1.
Geostatic stress 1.2.2.Hydrodynamic stress 1.2.3.Stress produced by engineering structures 1.3.
Internal stresses 1.3.1.Capillary pressure 1.3.2.Disjoining pressure of hydrate films. Components of disjoining pressure.
1.3.3.Isotherms of disjoining pressure of hydrate films 1.3.4.Experimental studies of disjoining pressure of hydrate films 2. Terzaghi theory of effective stresses 3.
Physicochemical theory of effective stresses 3.1. Types of contacts in clays 3.2. Number of contacts 3.3. Area of contacts 3.3.
1.Coagulational contacts 3.3.2.Transitional contacts 3.4. Effective contact stress in water-saturated soils 3.4.
1.Coagulational contacts 3.4.2.Transitional contacts 3.4.3.Phase contacts 3.
5. Effective contact stress in unsaturated soils 3.6. Actual total effective stress in soils 3.7.1.Water-saturated soil 3.7.
2.Unsaturated soil Conclusion.