" The Death of Porn is a magnificent work of hope. Ray Ortlund does not shame us or flatter us. He lifts us into a sense of our own destiny--not with his words but with God's. This book deepened my resolve to avoid living beneath my God-given dignity and to carve out a world of nobility as never before. We allowed porn in. By God's grace, we can drive it out. It's what we were born to do. If I could, I would put this book into the hands of every man in my generation.
"--T. J. Tims,Lead Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee "It is rare that you find honesty and humility as well as honor in modern leaders. However, Ray Ortlund has exhibited such qualities and earned respect across multiple arenas. When a potential vacancy arose for the chaplaincy in the United States Congress, Ray Ortlund was first on our list. It is this level of trustworthiness that allows Ray to challenge the stronghold of exploitation endemic to pornography. Ray's transparent approach cuts through the superficial layers, getting to the heart of the matter. This is a book that everyone should read, reminding us all of the value of being created in God's image.
"--Mark Walker,former congressman, North Carolina "The subject of pornography tends to be embarrassing and can evoke feelings of helplessness and shame. Ray Ortlund refuses to pile onto that shame, and he wants you to know you're not helpless. Like a loving and compassionate father, he calls us to freedom, to a better life, and to the death of porn's grip on our imaginations that robs us of the true and beautiful intimacy our souls desperately hunger for."--Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author, The Mingling of Soulsand The Explicit Gospel "In the pages of this book, Ray beautifully and compellingly calls us to be men of integrity building a world of nobility. He does this winsomely, graciously, and wisely in the form of letters infused with the tenderness and manliness of a father to his dear sons. I truly believe this book has the potential to be a culture changer. It will certainly impact, for the better, all who read and heed its wise and noble call."--Brian Brodersen,Associate Pastor, Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California "Over the last couple years, I've gotten to know Ray Ortlund on a deeper level.
He's struck me as a man of integrity and conviction, so when I heard he was writing a book to help Christians fight this evil thing called porn, I wasn't surprised. His book is a great blend of theological depth and relatable, practical tools that I believe will help all people battle pornography use and addiction. Porn destroys families, relationships, and marriages, but most of all, it keeps us distant from God and near our shame. Thank you, Ray, for tackling this topic with such boldness and truth. Heaven is smiling at you."--Preston Perry,poet; performance artist; teacher; apologist " The Death of Porn is the kind of book I want my sons and daughters to read. With sage counsel, Ray Ortlund tenderly leads and courageously calls us to envision a world free from the plague of pornography. This book inspires contrition over sin, instills courage against sin, and compels us to cast our hope fully upon Jesus.
" --J. Garrett Kell, Lead Pastor, Del Ray Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia.