Abbreviations . xiAcknowledgments . xiiiIntroduction . 11. Theological Hermeneutics, Paradigms and Interdependence . 22. Classical Pentecostalism as a Tradition . 53.
Review of the Literature .124. An Overview of My Thesis .151 The Theological Roots of Early Pentecostal Theology .191.1 Theological Roots of Classical Pentecostalism and the "Full Gospel" . 201.1.
1 Roots in the Wesleyan-Holiness Tradition . 211.1.2. Roots in the American Revivalist Tradition and Radical Evangelicalism . 241.1.3.
Roots in the Keswick Movement . 271.1.4. Roots in Premillennialism . 281.2. Conclusion: The Roots of Early Pentecostal Theology .
302 The Original Classical Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 312.1. Major Interpretations of Early Pentecostal Hermeneutics . 342.1.1. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen .
352.1.2. Grant Wacker . 362.1.3. French Arrington .
412.1.4. Kenneth J. Archer . 442.1.5.
Douglas Jacobsen . 482.1.6. Conclusion: Interpretations of Early Pentecostal Hermeneutics . 502.2. Early Pentecostal Hermeneuts: Four Exemplars .
512.2.1. Charles Fox Parham: Proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel . 512.2.2. William Joseph Seymour and the Azusa Street Apostolic Faith Mission: The Cradle of Early Pentecostalism .
572.2.3. Charles Harrison Mason: Interpreting the Signs in God''s World . 662.2.4. Garfijield Thomas Haywood: Apostolic Interpretation .
732.3. Conclusion: The Original Classical Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 783 The Early Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 833.1. The American Evangelical Tradition and the Authority of Scripture . 853.
2. Daniel Warren Kerr and the Early (Re)Turn to Evangelical Theological Method . 883.3. Pentecostalism and Fundamentalism . 1043.3.1.
American Fundamentalism . 1043.3.2. Pentecostalism and Fundamentalism . 1063.3.3.
Dispensationalism and Pentecostal Hermeneutics . 1133.4. The Emergence of "Pentecostal Scholasticism" . 1163.4.1. P.
C. Nelson''s Translation of Eric Lund''s Hermeneutics: Common Sense Grammatical Biblical Hermeneutics . 1183.4.2. Myer Pearlman: Organizing and Delineating Pentecostal Doctrine . 1213.5.
Conclusion: The Early (Re)Turn to Evangelical Hermeneutics . 1304 The Contemporary Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1334.1. Contemporary Evangelical Theological Hermeneutics: The Penultimate Authority of Scripture . 1364.2. The Contemporary Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic .
1414.2.1. The Hermeneutics of Inerrancy in the Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1424.2.2. The Author-Centered Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic .
1484.2.3. Pneumatic Interpretation in the Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1574.2.4. David Bernard''s Apostolic Interpretation .
1654.3. Gordon Fee and the Debate over the Hermeneutics of Pentecostal Doctrines . 1674.3.1. Gordon Fee''s Hermeneutics and Pentecostal Theology . 1684.
3.2. Luke as Theologian: Roger Stronstad, Robert Menzies and the Biblical Justifijication for the Distinctive Pentecostal Doctrines . 1774.3.3. The Signifijicance of the Debate . 1824.
4. Conclusion: The Signifijicance of the Contemporary Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1825 The Contextual-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1855.1. Hans-Georg Gadamer and Contemporary Philosophical Hermeneutics . 1875.2.
The Postmodern Contextual-Pentecostal Critique of the Evangelical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 1905.3. Ethnic and Cultural Contexts and Pentecostal Theology . 2025.4. James K.A.
Smith''s Creational Hermeneutic: An Incarnational Pentecostal Hermeneutic after the Linguistic Turn . 2045.4.1. Creation, Finitude and the Ubiquity of Interpretation: Smith''s Turn to Temporality, Situationality and Traditionality . 2095.4.2.
Smith''s Creational Hermeneutic and Its Incarnational Strategy . 2155.4.3. Smith''s Creational Hermeneutic and Ethical Responsibility toward Authors . 2185.4.4.
The Pentecostal Speech of the Christian Community . 2205.4.5. Smith''s Hermeneutic as a Contextual-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 2235.5. John Christopher Thomas and Kenneth J.
Archer: Narrative and Communitarian Approaches to Pentecostal Hermeneutics . 2245.5.1. John Christopher Thomas and the Role of Community in Biblical Hermeneutics . 2245.5.2.
Kenneth J. Archer and the Making of Meaning in Pentecostal Communities . 2275.6. Amos Yong''s Trinitarian-Pneumatological Approach to Pentecostal Hermeneutics . 2325.6.1.
Trinity, Epistemology, Metaphysics and Pneumatology . 2335.6.2. Discernment of Spirit(s) . 2385.6.3.
The Trialectic Movement of Spirit-Word-Community . 2405.7. Conclusion: Evaluating the Development of the Contextual-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 2476 The Ecumenical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 2536.1. Classical Pentecostalism and Ecumenism: A Brief Historical Overview .
2556.2. Pioneering Toward an Ecumenical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 2646.2.1. Ernest Swing Williams: A Mid-Twentieth Century Pentecostal Dialectician . 2646.
2.2. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: Ecumenism''s Pentecostal Advocate . 2726.2.3.
Pentecostal Theological Hermeneutics in Ecumenical Dialogues . 2796.3. The Contemporary Ecumenical-Pentecostal Hermeneutic . 2926.3.1. Frank D.
Macchia and the Expansion of the Boundaries of Spirit Baptism . 2936.3.2. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen and the Development of Consensual Doctrines . 3006.3.3.
Simon Chan''s Call for Pentecostal "Traditioning" . 3066.3.4. Koo Dong Yun and a Dialectical Approach to Baptism in the Spirit . 3086.4. Conclusion: Tradition, Systematic Theology and Pentecostalism .
3107 Toward a Hermeneutical Realism for Pentecostal Theological Hermeneutics . 3157.1. Theological Hermeneutics in the Classical Pentecostal Tradition: Summarizing a Typological Account . 3157.2. Toward a Hermeneutical Realism for Pentecostal Theological Hermeneutics . 3197.
2.1. The Linguistic Turn and the Rejection of a Foundationalism of Indubitable Beliefs . 3207.2.2. Paradigms and Best Accounts of Our World . 3277.
2.3. The Hermeneutic Responsibility toward the Real . 3427.2.4. Fides Quarens Intellectum: Faith and Theology . 3437.
2.5. Meaning, Reality and Hermeneutic Responsibility . 3457.3. Resources (and Our Guide) for Pentecostal Theological Hermeneutics . 3547.3.
1. The Spirit, Our Guide . 3557.3.2. Word . 3577.3.
3. Creation and Culture . 3587.3.4. Tradition . 3607.4.
Conclusion: Growing in Faith, Hope and Love . 361Bibliography . 363Index . 377.